make it or break it

Aug 03, 2009 23:28

Oh Heathus this show.

-Payson's plotline actually resembled an issue that a real gymnast might face. I swear she and her plotlines are like an island of realism (and I use that term very loosely) in the sea of absurdity.

-That sports manager was a total caricature lol. Could she be any dodgier?

-I see Summer's turning on her bitch switch lately. Nice. I kept getting distracted by her teeth. You'd think Steve would spring for the dental bill.

-My screen was a lot prettier with Carter not on it.

-Holy Emily Suesplosion. This is probably an unpopular opinion but she was more annoying than ever in this episode. BAWWWW i don't trust anyone but myself BAWWWW. Emily's like a bratty knockoff of Lost's Kate Austen.

-That said, I did think Sasha was disproportionately harsh in dealing with her. Still, her whininess was hard to take.

-I love how this show advocates safe gymnastics practices with Emily's late-night practice sessions without a spot and with only some horny teenage boy as supervision.

-Holay creeptastic Sasha/Emily vibes. I just... don't even know where to start with that. Except maybe with pedo bear macros.

-I swear Lauren's had the same plot every episode since the pilot: [ pull creepy/desperate move re:Creepy Carter ] + [ get jealous when Kaylie rhapsodizes about her fairy tale relationship with Creepy Carter ] + [ learn nothing when Summer inevitably meddles ], rinse and repeat as needed.

-Emily's angry playground montage brought the lulz hardxcore. That has to be the most hilarious scene since the gas station tumbling. That actress really has the angry/severe indigestion face down pat.

-I was actually hoping that Emily would flee to Denver (considering how she name-checked Marty last week) which would've created some great tension and made more sense (honestly, after Sasha kicked her out, the first thing I thought is that she'd go to Denver). I guess the show's budget couldn't be stretched to film in the Denver gym again.

make it or break it

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