new fic LJ, plus other random fannish stuff

Dec 02, 2007 23:40

New fic LJ, guys!  I know I already have my comm, but the fic LJ has all my fic on it, including older fics that were previously spread out over various boards and forums. So it's all together now.

sidewalkdr_fic sidewalkdr_fic sidewalkdr_fic

The future of my fic comm is up in the air now, but most likely I'll put a sticky post at the top saying it will no longer be updated and redirecting people to my fic LJ.  I finished adding all the fics but I haven't really looked it over yet, so sorry for any glitches it might have.

While I was doing the fic LJ I was looking through my old fics, and I've concluded that I truly do want to finish them someday.  This is probably a hopeless cause, so I figured I'd start with whatever's closest to being finished, so at least something might ever get completed (that would probably be my Draco/Hermione fic, "Brave New Girl"... and yes, it began life as a crack!fic but sort of evolved, lol).  I'm pissed though b/c I had another unposted chapter of BNG written and I can't find it anywhere.  I guess I must've bahleeted it by accident.  So now I have to try and remember what I wrote and rewrite it, and I hate doing that.   Does that ever happen to any of you?  BAH!

I was looking through my HP fics and I feel sad again that HP is over.  I miss it.
  Ahh well, at least we still have movies to look forward to, and I'm sure the fandom will take a couple years before it reaches Buffy and Angel-esque proportions of deadness.

Oh, and I just started watching Farscape and now I have yet another cancelled sci-fi show to fangirl over and make icons of featuring Mean Girls quotes, but I'm not touching the fandom with a 10-foot pole.  Sounds lame, I know, but I don't want to risk ruining a show by getting anywhere near some crazy-ass wank-ridden online fandom (not that I know what the FS fandom is like, but really, aren't they all?).  I thank Bob every day I was wise enough to stay the heck away from the SPN and House fandoms, b/c they scare me.

fandom stuff, farscape, fanfic, harry potter

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