It's meme time! XD

Nov 14, 2007 22:49

Ganked from melusinahp

What are your three current favourites of the fics you've written? Post your answers as a comment here, explaining why you like your three stories, and then repost with the answers in your own journal. Include links so people can read what you're proud of!

Nothing to Lose - (HP, Draco/Hermione with a bit of Ron/Hermione) My first Draco/Hermione fic. Very dark, angsty and dysfunctional, just how I like my D/Hr. I was actually really chuffed with this fic when I first wrote it. I'm generally not a "serious" writer--I consider humor and pr0n my forte--so this was a new thing for me. I think it turned out pretty well, even if I do say so myself.

Tapestry - (Smallville, Clark/Lana) My most-reviewed and most-read fic. I'm really shocked at how popular this fic is in the Clana circles of SV fandom, since it was my very first fanfic and some parts are kind of rough, lol. But it's the only novel-length fanfic I've finished *hangs head*, and it involves a topic I adore--the Middle Ages. A copious amount of research went into this fic (although tbh, a lot of it was for school, but this was a little side benefit :p) and I had so much fun writing it. :)

Tangled (Smallville, Clark/Lana) - The summer before S4 of Smallville, I concluded the spoilers were lame and decided to write up my own alternate S4 (well, S4 if SV aired on Showtime). Although my true Clana-shipping colors show, I really did endeavor to give this fic a plot (and several subplots) other than Clark and Lana drama. I even tried doing episodes, but ultimately, the project proved too ambitious for me, and my dissatisfaction with S4 made me lose feeling for it. However, I'm still very fond of this fic and I'm not ruling out the possibility of someday finishing. :)

I really hope you guys comment b/c I am a fic whore.

I realize there is a sad lack of Cordy/Angel on this list. After nano, I must remedy that.

I'm putting together a mix for nano, to listen to while writing my novel.  I was wondering if you guys wanna help? (I'm also a music whore
)  I'm looking for songs that have anything about space, stars, or anything else futuristic (yes, I am going all-out unabashedly cheesy).  So far I got:

Aqualung- Pressure Suit
KT Tunstall- Universe and U
Dexter Freebish- Twilight
Blue October- She's My Ride Home
Matt Pond PA- Champagne Supernova (cover)
Train- Drops of Jupiter
Yellowcard- Light up the Sky
Jonas Brothers- Kids of the Future (shut up)

Suggestions would be much appreciated, suggestions + links would be divine.

meme, fanfic

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