Yet another bi-product of boredom/insomnia

Jul 03, 2007 23:36

QueenCatarina (7:03:24 PM): dave, bb, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
QueenCatarina (7:03:29 PM): *is in pain*
paperpieces5 (7:03:30 PM): LOLZ
QueenCatarina (7:04:37 PM): ughhhhh i'm trying to decide which outfit loses more, that one or blake lewis's getup at some post-AI party
QueenCatarina (7:04:44 PM): *posts a poll on LJ*
paperpieces5 (7:04:47 PM): haha


OK, enough with the fugly outfits, ack.  To make up for it (and b/c I am bored out of my brains and feel like looking at pics of hot guys), I bring you the first-ever

I warn you that some pics are really big, but I couldn't be arsed to open IRfanview and resize them.  I'm already up way past my bedtime, OK? And obv, this might kill the dialup...


IDK, something about Dave in his abercrombie hoodie is just so freakin' cute.  OMGeezy, if  ever saw him in the cake hoodie, I think my brain would like, explode from fandom collision.

He sure loves that hoodie, doesn't he?  And GLASSES! XD

Mmmm, scruffy Dave.  Plus that quote always cracks me up. :p

One of my faves. :)

You know Dave's got an ass sent from heaven... and apparently Billie agrees. XD

Dave in stunnas!

Now who can forget the kittens?  *ded of cute*

... or the oral fixation?

Haha, I love the chocolate dalek.

OK, I couldn't resist.  LOFF!

... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand one of my personal faves. XD

This is totally not gay.  Really.

Nor is this.

This = least gay piccy evar.  See?  There's a girl! That bitch.

And there's his harem, in his pimpmobile.

This is his "sexy" face.  Gets me everytime.

This is the performance from which the plaid pants fetish was born.  Once you hear him sing "Who's your daddy?" there is no going back, I swear it.

I think I might also have a glasses fetish.  My husbands do look fetching in them, oui/oui?

aklsdfjkl;sdjf;asdklfjadsfasdf. That is all.

ARGYLE.  'nuff said.

Hey, at least we're not all making crotch icons like certain other fandoms... oh, wait.

And finally...

*thud* *comatose*

Yeah, I know this is a kinda dinky spam compared to others I've seen, but I'm tired, and I'm also lazy.  But this being my first picspam, go easy on me, OK?  And use lube, pls thx.

Ack, I'm up wayyyy past my bedtime.  I have to work tomorrow.  What, you think I get holidays off?  Surely you jest!   Anyhoozy, night beezies, and for all you Americans, happy 4th!

Edit: Piccies from various sources, which should be covered in the big damn resource post. None of them are mine. Blah blah.

picspam, doctor who, american idol

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