dorkus interruptus

May 17, 2007 22:34

OK, seriously... what is with TV this week?  Jeez!  It's like TV to kill yourself by.  I'm still reeling from AI last night, and between Grey's and Ugly Betty "the birds are dying!" girl has got nothing on me.

OK, the WTF is strong in this ep.  I seriously haven't been this depressed by an ep since the Buffy ep "Hell's Bells" (remember that?)  Nothing positive happened.  Nothing!  Even if it was a good ep--which it was, as far as the writing/acting goes--such a downer.   It was like a country song made into a TV show.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna pop some zoloft and wash it down with vodka.

Ugly Betty
OK, this is supposed to be my light, fluffy, happy show.  Even if there's angst it's like, fluffy angst. SO WTF, PEOPLE.  Is everyone at ABC listening to too much Bright Eyes or something?  Cheer up, emo writers!

Uggh, I'm so tired I'm like out of it.  Seeing my Pancakes icon makes me miss the Ock. :(  I got this urge to watch some old-skool Ockage today.  At least that would be cheerful.  Anyhoo, I'm off. Cat out.

ugly betty, grey's anatomy

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