She's like, so whatever

May 04, 2007 19:00

I'm going to warn you guys that I've been really emo this week for some reason, and I have to work tomorrow (WTF, any and all work on Saturdays should be BANNED), and I just found out those asshats have been docking $100 from each of my paychecks for an insurance policy that's supposed to cost $60, so I'm not exactly in the perkiest mood ever right now.  So I will be even snarkier than usual in my belated TV reviews.

Ugly Betty
I find it really hard to write in-depth reviews of this show b/c... well, it's like the whipped cream of shows.  It's light and airy and frothy and so there isn't that much to say about it.  (And this out of the chick who can write some long-ass AI reviews).  I really liked this ep b/c there was a lot of Henry and Benry (yes, I made that up).  Really really cute.  I'm sorry guys, but Henry is just so much hotter than Daniel to me.  Daniel's just pissing me off right now and I ♥ my geek boys. You know I'm a sucker for a man in argyle.  I like that this show can take a pretty predictable and typical scenario and still do it in a way that's funny and entertaining.  I need to icon this shizz.

OK, you know how I am with the unpopular opinions, so I'll be blunt.  If there is a complete polar opposite of excited, that is how I feel about the Grey's spinoff.  In fact, I'm bitter that so much of the "speshul 2-hr Grey's" was wasted on it.  It kinda reminded me of GA's uglier little sister who tries way too hard.  First--I love Addison/Kate Walsh, but watching her trying to carry a show made me really appreciate Meredith/Ellen.  I don't know if it was crappy writing or what, but it just wasn't working for me.  Speaking of which, the writing was just so... IDK, ham-handed and cinrgeworthy.  The writing was to wit what that "funny" guy Summer dated in S1 of the Ock is to humor.  From the stilted orgasmic elevator convo to the fact that every case was about sex to oiled-up Piz, it was about as subtle as being pounded over the head with a piano.  Yes, we get it. This show is sexy.  Someone please send Shonda a memo that decent shows wait till the third ep before they put out.

Apparently, the writers were trying to hard to be hip, sexy, and edgy that they didn't have time to develop the supporting characters.  I had no sense of them at all, and what little sense I did get was cliched and uninteresting.  And I'm sorry, but every moment of Piz dude's screentime just made me want to punch him in the ovaries.  He is not attractive, sry2say.  And that scene with the chicks oogling him polishing the surfboard... God, this show reminds me of the ugly kid sister of Ally McBeal, Miss Match, and all those other shmoopy-cute comedies I never cared for.  Here's hoping this thing flatlines before too long, so we can have Addison back on Grey's.

As for the 5 minutes or so we spent at Seattle Grace, I don't have much commentary on that except that GIZZIE MOMENT, squee!  I was totally expecting Callie to bust them, but I'm glad she didn't.  The spinoff supplied enough lame cliches for one night, kthx.

I also have another little rantlet I have to get out.  Someone actually already ranted about it in vocal_entendres but I don't want to have to be nice about it, which I would if I posted in a public community.  I don't even post in rant communities anymore b/c I'm just tired of having to be so PC ll the time and either bend over backwards not to offend overly sensitive fangirls or risk starting a massive dogpile of wank.  Aaaaaaaaanyway...

I'm so damned sick of Cake tinhats already.  Don't get me wrong--I love Cake and I love people like me who enjoy squeeing and giggling and being fangirly over the pretty pretty boys, all the while being fully aware that it's fanon.  But I'm getting tired of all the overly dramatic fangirls who really, truly think Blake and Chris are in Deep Undying Transcendent Loff and have become so emotionally invested in this ship that they trip balls anytime one of the boys is--gasp!shock!--linked to a girl (perish the thought!) or some other tidbit that might cast a shadow of a doubt on the Holy Sacrament of Cake bangbang.  Dear God, I feel sorry for straight guys if y'all can't be friends without people thinking you're teh gai for each other.  This society is so fucked with its ideas of femininity and masculinity it's no wonder we're all in a constant state of identity crisis.  But before I wander too far OT, whether or not this 'ship is... erm, canon doesn't change the fact that anyone who gets so emotionally invested in a fandom that they get seriously depressed over it just boggles me.  I haven't gotten that upset over the demise of celeb couples I knew were real (Adam and Rachel D: )    IDK, maybe after getting too invested in (fictional) fandom as a young whippersnapper, I've become jaded, but I just can't get myself all worked up into a tizzy over the fact that my RPS OTP might not be "canon."  So it gets really hecka annoying seeing post after strident post on my flist like OMGZZ NOOOOOOO CAKE HAS TO BE REAL OR I WILL SLIT MY WRISTS AND WRITE "CAKE FOTEVER" IN MY OWN BLOOD!!11!!!  Here's hoping I didn't accidentally stumble into the heir to domlijah's throne. 

OK, since I seem to have a strange affinity for crappy reality shows, I'm off to stream The Bachelor and hope the brain rot burns off my emo-ness.  Later, dudes.

ugly betty, grey's anatomy, american idol, rl stuff

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