Oh, fer...

Oct 19, 2006 01:37

So I found this hilarious post over at fanficrants with bad Doctor Who fic summaries, much like mctabby's summary executions.  I love grrliz's icons of bad HP fic summaries, so I thought I'd make some of the DW summaries.  And for the most part, commenters shared in the lulz.  So leave it to T&C to bring the wank.

Yes, someone is actually offended that I dare make icons ( Read more... )

srs bizniz, doctor who, wank

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Comments 7

bekki_beekeeper October 19 2006, 12:05:58 UTC
Haha, why do you think I steer clear of fandom these days? As ye of wit and cunning did say to me yesterday, "leave me and my porn in peace."

Mmm. Tennant.


iamtheliquorr October 19 2006, 12:16:35 UTC
Siriusly. A wise idea.

Honestly, where are these people's priorities? I prefer to focus on the important things. Like Tennant. And porn.


larakailyn October 19 2006, 13:18:12 UTC
Actually, I can see her point where bad summary does not automatically equal badfic (or bad fic). Telling you that you should have read the stories is a bit much, though.

Mostly, I'm just *headdesk*ing at more wank. *sigh*


avidbeader October 19 2006, 13:30:33 UTC
Um, yeah. I can see her point but is sure looks like she can't see yours.

And by the way, the link to the fanficrants post goes to mctabby's memories, too.


iamtheliquorr October 19 2006, 21:26:43 UTC
Oh, crud. Fixed it.


maramyanet October 19 2006, 15:11:20 UTC
Ay such drama in the fandoms!

I'll just say one thing, I like the icons, they're funny as hell and as my english teacher once said...the way you express yourself on paper is a representation of who you are. These authors should put a little more thought and time into their summaries and into not making any spelling errors. Although, I shouldn't talk, I make plenty of them (probably one in this very comment) but there are ways of double checking, especially when it comes to fanfic. It looks really bad when you have too many spelling errors, to me it's a lack of consideration for the readers.

Plus, a summary is the only way of selling your fic. It's how you attract the attention of perspective readers. You can't just bullshit your way through it and then expect people to venture in and read it. So if it's called bad fic then it's most definitely deserved.


kammgirl October 19 2006, 16:19:19 UTC
Is it wrong that I am happy that it isn't me connected to the wank in any way for a change? Heee. Dude DW fandom is an organism onto itself. I think your icons are hilarious.


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