Kolt is stalking me.

May 05, 2006 13:32

iamtheking is being stalked on Livejournal!

cool_9 is stalking iamtheking

cool_9’s REAL name :
Lawerence Murton

cool_9’s REAL DOB :
09th February 1971

Height :159 cm
Weight : 107.4 kg

cool_9 has dreamt about you :
30 times

cool_9 became interested in you :
12th April 2003

cool_9’s latest dream about you

After a brief rendezvous in a unisex spa, the two lovers decide to make kittens behind an unattended reception desk. 5 minutes into the experience David Hasselhoff mysteriously appears at the desk with his hand resting casually on the side of his cheek trying to surpress the grin that by-now has engulfed his face. He steals a glimpse of your genetalia before disappearing as quickly as he came.

This is how cool_9 describes your relationship behind your back

‘At first I thought it was just friendship, but it’s more than that. The way iamtheking looks at me has to be seen to be believed. Either he loves me as much as I love him or he’s terrified. And that isn’t very likely, is it……?’

cool_9’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

A pair of soiled underpants that you left out in your backyard after a night out on the razz.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

cool_9 has tattooed their mental image of your genetalia onto their upper forearm.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

If God had a face, he’d look something like you. And if you were ever to leave me, I’d fucking nail you to a cross before you had a chance for a last supper.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
4 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Police! I need your assistance, someones trying to climb in through my window. It’s a stalker I met off the internet. They’ve been harassing me for months now. I can’t walk down the street without them following me. Come quickly and make sure you bring a couple of baseball bats. I could do with beating this fucker into submission."

cool_9’s Police File

cool_9 is a right sadastic bastard and should be detained for as long as possible.

Testimonies about cool_9

scintillated - Pig-hustler

‘I’m tired of hearing about of these allegations about cool_9. iamtheking is a demented twat. Ignore him.’

demon_batista - Fathers goats

‘How depressing. I feel sorry for iamtheking, he’s kind as fuck to a fault. Always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. All of this sickens me.'’

__aestuous - Slap-happy

‘Thank Christ I never let cool_9 into my house. God the thought of it all gives me the creeps!’

phreakkn0t - Balding slut

‘cool_9 was always one of us. One of the gang. We never suspected anything. I’m really shocked..’

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