The random events that fill my life

May 23, 2007 01:44

There was a high-speed chase ending in a crash not a block from my house the other night whilst I was sitting naked in the bath taking a shower (claw-foot tub... No actual 'shower' in this house. Gotta use lil attatchment diddy). Caused quite the commotion. The guy had a warrant in New York, and ran from a local cop who was trying to pull him over for speeding. Guy flew down a dead-end street and crashed into two parked cars. Injuries to everyone in the car, but no fatalities. Worst part, is that I believe there was an 8yr old girl in the back seat... Stupid people.

Today, I ran into my ex Trista as I was walking to my cousin's. First time I've seen her since we split up about a year ago. She drove past, recognized me, stopped, t'was amazed at my sudden hair-loss. Quick encounter, as she kinda just stopped in the middle of the road, hehe. Pretty random and unexpected event.

Lots of Boulevard drama in the works. Nothing I can really discuss though. Oy though, that place... Still making my cash though. And my emphasis there is going to be slightly altered to more waiting oriented, so we'll see how that goes.

My friend Vin Vin often sends me interesting things dealing with vehicles... He's recently got me checking out the Brit show "Top Gear"... Completely hilarious. Sort of a Myth-Busters feel to it in a sense. Just terrible things being done to cars. Good stuff.

Welp, off to finish watching Top Gear...
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