Aug 24, 2004 11:18
So we must wear these polo shirts to work. And so that's good. I just throw that on. But can I please wear my basketball NYU shorts that I wore to sleep in? Ha. They're so hot and comfy. Man that would be hilarious. I mean people wear the weirdest pants with these black polos. Then I wouldn't ever have to worry about picking out something to wear on the bottom or top. Just botta-bing. Ha. Man, I feel sick. I should prolly eat before work but there ain't nothing so I am forcing down some pineapple. Ugh. I'm so very scared of answering the phones today. My voice sucks! It's like, "Hi, I sound 2 and have some weird lispy thing attached to me." Yup. Ha. So, I better go see my dog before I leave 'cus she's cute and pawed the back door at the sight of me and I won't get to see her otherwise today. <3