Mar 23, 2004 05:47
I slept four hours. 4:30 i just wake up. Now i'm wide awake and the sun is rising. I want a suit and a new tattoo. I'm really hungry but i don't really want to eat a bowl noodle this early in the morning. I've been playing Champions of Norrath a lot. I'm still only level 12 though. I am excited for the new Vines cd which comes out today. This video Toxic by Britney Spears is oddly enticing. Watching TV this early reminds me of Motel 6. I don't really know why but thats all i can think about. God I wish i was in California. Speaking of Cali, it's been really nice weather up here. Diesel Engine outside. Memories of Wyoming. Overcast cold and windy, a woman in the military, about 3/4's of a storage space. I called out sick on Saturday. Took a "personal day". Went to Ligia's birthday party w/ Tim and Russell. Then afterwards had one of those really depressing deep conversations about what and how much stuff was bothering us at the moment. Sunday morning ran to dollar tree and then straight to work. Monday played frisbee at Golden Gardens. Chopsticks is meowing. Very repetitive. He's warm. And purring. Smells like he got into something... Or farted.