This is our founder, Gareth.
The premise of this legacy is that each generation will be named after the nationality of its mother. (Nazione is Italian for nation.)
Considering that it would be a total pain in the arse to try to find Gareth a townie that happened to have a Welsh name (since most of them are stuff like Gwyn and Arianwen), the next generation will be named after whomever he marries.
This is the luxuriant mansion that Gareth's remaining Simoleons bought him.
He rolled a want to get a job in the Medicine career, for whatever reason, so I let him have what he wanted.
The welcome wagon appeared. Making appearances today are fat!Nina Caliente, Sophie Owens, and
Brendon Urie.
(I'm going to try to be better about giving credit for cc now. TRY. Keyword.)
Anyway, Gareth and Bden get along swimmingly.
Some amount of time later, Gareth gets off from his first day at work and I take him Downtown so he can argue with bartenders about when, exactly, he's had enough to drink.
Oh, yeah, and before that he brought a rude guy home from work.
I keep forgetting his name but he seems to work in every career, because he comes home with my other legacy sims all the freakin' time.
Gareth: But don't you want to hear the word of Jehovah's Witn--
Rude guy:
Anyway, Gareth gets invited on an outing with some guy named Don.
...a kid comes along?
It goes okay. He scopes out a townie named Jan Tellerman, and I try to get her attention, but overall, she isn't terribly impressed with him.
This is the first outing of many, and either no potential wives show up, or they just aren't having him.
He also meets Augustus, the gen 8 heir of the Stump Legacy. c:
...but still no women. Finally, things become desperate. His shower started leaking and the bathroom exploded in weeds.
...on his low budget, he got what he paid for.
Gareth: is... that...
Yes, that is an oldster. Sorry.
The date goes "Great" and that is that.
Hopes for a wife newly dashed, I send Gareth downtown a few more times, not really expecting much. He goes to Lucky Shack and the only female there is Mrs. CrumpleBottom.
She made it worth my while, though, and actually played cards. I have never seen her do this before. Incredible. Gareth wins $50 off her.
I also got pretty tired of having a Popularity sim, so I bumped up his aspiration enough to change him into a Family sim.
(He was supposed to be Family to start with but I clicked the wrong thing so this TOTALLY ISN'T CHEATING)
His new LTW is to become Captain Hero. Maybe Gus can help him out.
Don invites Gareth on outings pretty much every day, and I got nothing better to do, so I go along with it.
FINALLY, he makes it worth my while.
Gareth gets there and does a cursory sweep of the room, and...
Andrea Hogan catches his eye. Boom, I am making her his, dammit.
The outing ends, and by the miracle of TS2 time travel it's afternoon again when Gareth gets home so I get him to call up Andrea for a date.
She says yes.
Also when he gets home, there's a love letter from Oldster! I've never had a sim get a love letter before. Awww.
Anyway, date montage time.
(Captain Smooth steps on her toe.)
This was completely autonomous.
The date, despite rampant cuteness, scores "Great." Okay, we'll take that.
Sobutand he invites her back over the next day and asks her to move in. She says yes.
Next time: the deets on Andrea and maybe babies!