The Stump Legacy: Prelude

Apr 07, 2012 19:32

Our founders are Peter Wentz and Patrick Stump (I was a Freshman okay).
Patrick came first and moved into a humble trailer in Pleasantview across the street from the Brokes. Pete came along later and they fell in love and eventually got married. Obviously, I ended up breaking the primary rule of the challenge because they're both, you know, men. So they adopted a little girl named Marylena Wentz.

She loved both her daddies, but she was Pete's girl through and through.

As the legacy progressed and homes became fuller and fuller, I started focusing more on the kids than the adults that had borne them. But at this point I was still an attentive simmer, and Peter and Patrick's relationship stayed strong through and through. Here we see a post-makeover Patrick and Pete cuddling and thinking about bathtubs.

After Marylena went off to college, Pete and Patrick invested in a new home to accommodate their soon-to-be-growing family.

Surely enough, Marylena came back home with a husband, Alex Matthews, and a baby.

She gave birth to two precious (and natural!) twins, Ethan and Bronx Matthews. D'awww.

Peter and Patrick never saw the twins grow up, but that is not to say their lives weren't unfulfilled. They died a few days apart.

The twins grew up happily and went to Academie le Tour together. On the left is Bronx, and on the right is Ethan.

Ethan quickly befriended Sadie the Infallibly Good Witch, and Bronx put even swifter moves on a girl named Anna (okay, that's a lie. I don't even remember what ginger's name was so I renamed her Anna for the sake of this.)

What did I tell you? Like lightning.

Ethan, however, decided to wait until he's an adult to propose and marry Sadie.

While all this romance was happening, Marylena and Alex reached elderhood. Marylena had just gotten a big raise, so they decided to use their savings to buy a bigger home, for the twins had been sharing a bedroom when they left and they were sure to bring back families.

Alex, sadly, didn't live to see the new house become a reality.

It was a pretty sweet house, though. Marylena died soon after the kids came home.

But hey, when one door closes, another opens. Sadie got pregnant.

She gave birth to this adorable little critter, Campbell Matthews. 

Oh, right, and Anna's LTW was to become a criminal mastermind. Just so you know they weren't getting robbed.

Campbell went off to college and had his big gay experience with a chap named Liam Gallagher (isn't that the guy from Oasis?), but Liam died of electrocution (...possibly intentional). Campbell had a hard time getting over that, but, you know, he did.

With the help of this cat.

And with the help of Hayley, a CAS sim from down the street.

They got married and Hayley gave birth to baby Jamie.

Buuut, Jamie was not the last.

Shortly before Jamie entered adolescence, Haley got pregnant again.

Jamie stuck around until baby Trent was a toddler, and finally he was like, nope, I'm out. So Jamie went to college.

So Trent grew up happily, then followed his brother to college. Although, I think it's safe to say his college experience wasn't nearly as, er, fruitful as Jamie's.

Jamie, a Romance sim, had quite a fulfilling uni experience, including a rendezvous with Angela Pleasant.

Meanwhile, we moved into yet another legacy house.

A freshly brunette Jamie came over in time for his parents' transition into elderhood.

After the boys arrived home, Trent settled down with a townie named La Shawn Matthews. Jamie never married, but he at least, um, calmed down.

You can see where this was going.

Trent performed a celebratory jig when Emily Matthews was born.

Not long after, Emily grew into a child and La Shawn gave birth to a second daughter, Nidria.

Campbell and Hayley passed away somewhere along here.

Nidria and Emily (respectively) grew into happy teenagers and went off to university.

When they came back, Nidria proposed to a townie named Jasmine Hiatt. 

Upon moving in, naturally, she received a makeover.

Emily, meanwhile, courted another Pete Wentz sim (uh...).

Unfortunately, Emily wasn't faithful to Pete, even after they got married. She ended up having an affair with a CAS sim named Joshua.

Gee, you'll never guess what happened.
Given the fact that Emily and Pete had yet to sleep together when she got pregnant, and Pete still had no idea, I can only assume he was an idiot.

and there were TWO. Natural twins again, Ianto and Toshiko Matthews.

Ianto looked suspiciously like his illegitimate father.

Speaking of illegitimate fathers, that's exactly who the twins ran into when I sent them into town to get new clothes after they aged up into teenagers.

Notice Emily getting friendly with the butler in the background...


Even through I'd taken care to send Pete outside to practice the drums while this was going on, he somehow sensed the other man in his bed and came bursting into the room just as things were finishing up.

Zion Kody, the butler in question, was fired immediately and Pete left Emily.
However, there was a happy ending.
Shortly after the twins left for college, Pete was coaxed into coming back.

They fell back in love literally seconds before Pete died of old age, because I'm a terrible person.

Next time: Tosh and Ianto in college and adulthood and beyond!

Given that I keep up with posting these, I promise to NEVER POST SUCH A LONG UPDATE EVER AGAIN. D:

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