Gems and gold mines.

Mar 01, 2005 13:37

Since we had a blessed snow-day today, I took the time to browse through some of the comics on the DVD that my chum in Britain sent me. Today my selection was Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud.

Fucking good read.

The more I read and study art, the more conscious I am of the artistic decisions we make every day, and how art, really good art, is just a sublimation and concentration of good decision making. Which is serving as a huge support on my new project, a four-page introduction "issue"-lite that I'm intending to package in the Lit Mag for this spring. And, with any luck, hard work, and good karma, I can keep working on with Caleb (Mencheal), who's going to sketch the initial drawings for what I've tentatively titled "Babylon".

The hard part is just taking the pre-writing and conceptualizing I've already done and transforming it into a scripted medium, which has been difficult but I'm starting to gain a better grasp of how to write a comic book script to convey what moods I want. In a way, it's easier to write straight abstract words than it is to use a comic book as my medium for the ideas I have, but comic books also have more potential for what I want expressed than straight writing. I think the medium would be more readily acceptable to the ideas I have right now. And it's a different palette to draw from than just straight words.

Best thing I've done in the past year, literarily, has been to get into Dave Eggers and comic books.
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