another mod post: IN RECORD TIME!!! [TRUTH]

Jan 19, 2008 01:57

okay, did i mention that it's really freaking hectic here as it is?  for right now, i'm instating a "no deletion" rule.  DO NOT DELETE YOUR ENTRIES.  i will banhammer you if i catch it because this is confusing as it is.  if you're confused or hurt about a comment, ASKKKKKKKKKK gkfjkjgalkjf.

and to the person that deleted their post just now, the one about a girl liking another girl and friends not understanding/approving:  sorry to single you out, dear, but i had just made a post saying that comments are lies, too.  i wasn't being mean by saying something to the effect of "there isn't anyone to commiserate with you here". 
sporadic__ [other mod/creator of this comm] and i ARE gay and we're dating each other and we CAN commiserate with you [especially her, she had to go to a christian high school and now attends a baptist college].  don't run offffffffff because now i feel guilty and it's 2 am and god i need sleep.  oh man i am an idiot i totally just saw that they didn't delete the post at all, i just skipped over it because i thought it was another post AUGH TOTAL FAIL  but i HAVE seen people get butthurt about comments and i have seen deletions so DON'T DO IT ANYWAY jesus h christ on a pogo stick i need to go to bed.

would it just be easier to get rid of the lying-in-the-comments rule?  what do you all think?

[edit:  please make all comments truthful, you don't even have to put it in the subject line but i'm going to count them as truths thx bbs :3]

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