As you know I am an apprentice at the International School of Shamanism. The school has healing circles twice a month and a mesa class series that starts twice a year. Why should you go? I can't answer that. But I can answer why I went and continue to go:
I did not like the person I was. I felt conflicted at every turn. I was jealous and spiteful and controlling and bitter. I didn't understand how unconditional love worked and thought it a BS idea. I wanted to find some answers. I wanted to be happy for just a little while and thought getting away to a mountain retreat would be just the ticket. I had no intention of finishing the classes, I just wanted a break from reality. What I got that first weekend changed me. It was as if I finally put my innertube into the stream of my life and started enjoying the ride instead of standing on the banks saying "That looks scary. What if I can't swim? What if the river is going to fast? What if I can' t do it? What if....what if...what if..." There have been times the river scared the hell out of me, but I know that won't last - just let go of what is holding me in that spot and I can go back to the flow of it all. There has been great sadness and great joy. There has been simply floating and there has been bliss. It's called Life. So, if you are interested in changing you, the way you look and treat you and others, how you think about you and the world - check it out. If you are interested, let someone know, either Tom, Angela, Lisa, Penn or myself. There are scholarship programs if you are worried about the money.
International School of Shamanism(tm)
A Two Year Program in Mesa Building
What is a Mesa Carrier?
A Mesa Carrier embodies the true unconditional love and acceptance Of God
and is one who develops a personal and intimate relationship with the
unseen world for the purpose of being of service as a healer. This
relationship is cultivated experientially through self-induced altered states of
consciousness, ritual ceremony, and refined energetic work and
Shamanism is not a religion. It is a spiritual practice grounded in
reverent awareness that the universe is animated, conscious, and
energetically interdependent and allowed to be used by us through God's
unconditional love and acceptance of us.
Guiding Principles:
(1) Everything the Mesa Carrier does has to be based on Love and
Acceptance, first of one's self and then of each other.
(2) Everything is alive. Everything manifests a physical form from
the same essence. The Mesa Carrier learns to attend this.
(3) Everything is conscious. Everything watches us. The world is
mirrored within us. The Mesa Carrier learns to be a visionary observer.
(4) Everything is interconnected. Everything responds to and is in
interdependent relationship to everything else.
(5) The Mesa Carrier can be a mediator of these interconnections and
interdependent relationships.
(6) Everything transforms. Matter is the dense form of spirit. Spirit
is the subtle form of matter. Everything is in a vibrational flux. The
Mesa Carrier can be an agent of change.
(7) Everything responds to focused intention. Proper intention,
purification, protection and grounding of motive are indispensable for
all heartfelt Shamanic practice. The Mesa Carrier must know him or herself
in order to help others. A hollow bone must know they are a hollow bone
and how to stay hollow.
(8) The Mesa Carrier's task is to come into right relationship and
reverent communion with God and the seen and unseen world so as to mediate
between worlds on behalf of themselves and others using themselves as hollow
bones to channel energy or they may just use this space for their own
spiritual practice.
First Weekend: The Earth, Intent, Purification, Protection and
Grounding. We will journey with the intention of finding our power animal and
totems for the four directions of our Mesas. We will breathe the power
animal's spirit into our spirit as we become one with our individual Mesa.
Second Weekend: The Water, Intent, Purification, Protection and
Grounding. We will journey with the intent to come into right relationship and
union with the seen and the unseen world. Then we will be able to mediate
between worlds on our behalf, extending even deeper the oneness with our Mesa.
Third Weekend: The Air, Intent, Purification, Protection and
Grounding. We will journey for a commitment to our selves, a commitment of love and
acceptance. We embody the three basic principals of a good
relationship whether it be with Great Spirit, our mate, our friends or ourselves;
silence, respect and sharing. We learn to use ourselves as hollow bones
to move energy and promote healing.
Fourth Weekend: The Fire, Intent, Purification, Protection and
Grounding. We will explore some of the great rituals and rites of passage of
Shamanism, and how they map our personal growth. We continue to use ourselves as
hollow bones to move energy and promote healing.
Fifth Weekend: Those who have completed the four paths and the work
exercises will be acknowledged for their work by being anointed as a
Mesa carrier.
Tom Lake, (Wolf Walker with Lion's Heart) founder and a director of the
International School of Shamanism, a Shaman and anointed healer. He
has been guiding people through their process of change for over thirty
years helping people experience a profound healing thus making a lasting
positive change in their lives. Tom assists people from all cultures in finding
their path and the healer within themselves.
WHEN: January 25th, 26th and 27th 2008.
WHERE: Blairsville, Georgia
COST: $400.00 + $150.00 room and board
For more information contact:
International School of Shamanism(tm)
3104 Mercer University Drive
Suite 210
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
770-294-7476');> ,,