Jul 24, 2006 23:43
I moved to Portland. Never to see Pendleton again... Well maybe to see my dad but that's it. I like my new apartment, it's huge, much like my excitement for college. *Sad note* I work 20 minutes from my house, IN VANCOUVER!!
So I haven't really set myself down yet, I've been moving for the past two days...( I hate this keyboard ) Driving none stop and not really getting much done. So I already am missing people, but there is nothing I can do, even if I lived in Pend. Still.
So my number for now is the same, but I think TOMORROW I will be making progress to cutting all my ties to Pendleton, of course there is still that special gal that I have my heart set on seeing next time she comes to P-Land.
I will be working full time in Vancouver, going to school full time and HOPEFULLY getting that internship at the hospital, I've got hook ups. I'm gonna be busy, but I'm sure I'll find time to break in the house with a few parties....