so im off to san fran this summer to work for forest ethics ( and ms. molly blake will be there too (interning at a different place). all in all, quite exciting. 8 weeks in california and then back to iowa for a monthish to work in grinnell and live with anna and molly d. until school starts.
i am a craiglist maniac. i feel like i've won a wonderful gift everytime someone writes me back. especially when they say they are a wisconsin native, chemistry PhD student, modern dancer who lives in a nice area where her roommate goes jogging and who wants to live with me. (granted, she does live in berkeley, which is a bit of a daily commute ... but the whole situation still makes me feel like a big girl ... that free-spirited sort of big girl who can just move to california for 8 weeks ... with [grinnell]'s money)