Happy Happy Joy Joy
By iamstealthyone
Summary: They’re saved, they’re saved! (Or are they?) Follows the story started in
Are We There Yet?. Drabble.
Characters: Sam and Dean.
Rating: PG-13 (Genfic).
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Not making money off of them.
It happened as they were about to hop on a train that’d take them practically to Bobby’s doorstep. In a split second, Sam went from lop-eared bunny to naked human.
“Holy crap!” he said, then did some weird-ass happy dance that sent his bait and tackle bouncing around.
Dean grimaced. Some things, he didn’t need to see.
“Dude!” Sam enthused. “This is awesome!”
Looking down at himself -- still all bunny -- Dean scowled. Yeah. Awesome.
Sam grinned. “Guess we don’t need that train after all. He froze, then examined himself. His ears drooped.
They hopped on the train.
October 2008