When Animals Don't Quite Attack 1/1 (Supernatural)

Jul 27, 2008 19:33

When Animals Don’t Quite Attack
By iamstealthyone

Summary: “Dean? Why’s there an elephant in our room?” Drabble.

Characters: Sam and Dean.

Rating: PG (Genfic).

Word count: 100

Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Not making money off of them.

Author’s notes: Written for the 100-ghosts prompt: elephant in the room.

“Dean? Why’s there an elephant in our room?” )

supernatural, drabble

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Comments 28

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iamstealthyone July 28 2008, 13:29:10 UTC
I'm glad you liked this. It was a fun prompt to work with.

Thanks for reading. :)


brigid_tanner July 28 2008, 03:11:02 UTC
LOL!! loved it ;)


iamstealthyone July 28 2008, 13:29:33 UTC
I'm glad this tickled your funny bone. I had fun with this prompt.

Thanks for the kind feedback. :)


muffaletta July 28 2008, 03:13:33 UTC
Long Island Ice Teas? Don't those things have like, 7 types of liquor? hee!!

Funny drabble-I think the boys picked the smartest option!


iamstealthyone July 28 2008, 13:33:55 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed this.

Long Island Ice Teas? Don't those things have like, 7 types of liquor?

Yes. Yes, they do. *snickers*

I think the boys picked the smartest option!

With everything they've seen over the years, this elephant just wasn't that much of a concern for them. *g*

Thanks for the kind feedback. :)


counteragent July 28 2008, 03:19:13 UTC
Oooh, a ghost elephant! (or is it a metaphor?) Hee.


iamstealthyone July 28 2008, 13:35:19 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed this. I had fun using the prompt in a lighthearted and fairly literal manner. The idea of something weird and unexplained happening and the boys being fairly "meh" about it all amused me. *g*

Thanks for reading. :)


tahirire July 28 2008, 04:12:09 UTC

Of course the whole point of having an elephant in the room is so you can ignore, it.

So, good call, boys. *snickers*


iamstealthyone July 28 2008, 13:37:20 UTC
I'm glad this tickled your funny bone. I had fun using this prompt. :)

Of course the whole point of having an elephant in the room is so you can ignore, it.

So, good call, boys. *snickers*

*snickers with you* Yeah, it takes a lot to rattle a Winchester. This elephant? Just wasn't that big a deal for them.

Thanks for the kind feedback. :)


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