Jun 05, 2011 23:26
Neil Gaiman tweeted to Steven Moffat: "I think Madam Vastra should act as well as solve crimes. Then she'd be a Victorian Silurian Lesbian Thespian."
There seems to be a interweb consensus that the Victorian Silurian and her girlfriend need a spin off: *hand raised to cast my 'yes' vote*
So I get that River's the daughter. And maybe it makes timey-wimey sense that she watched her older self kill the Doctor (the actual Doctor? the ganger Doctor?) at the lake... but .... BUT...
wouldn't she have recognized her younger self's call for help? Calling Nixon? Remembering ripping herself out of the creepy alien-rigged spacesuit instead of wondering about the suit's alien technology and that the little girl had to have been 'so strong'? REGENERATING?????? So many plot holes we may get mass whiplash as we ride over them all. I suppose the fact that Moffat never bothered to clue Alex Kingston into her character arc may be a basic problem, but it just seems sloppy to me. **DAMN YOU MOFFAT** hand/fist
Other than that, I did enjoy the past few episodes and wonder how many more times Rory will get killed off before the final episode this fall.
I'd love to hear the opinions of the Brits and my web-theiving flist friends!
doctor who