So after dinner, Maria and I decided on a whim to blow off studying and go see NARNIA! And I think it was a good whim, because I enjoyed the film quite a bit. Tilda Swinton was amazingly cold and badass and completely owned that movie. At the end, when she was wearing Aslan's mane and fighting with two sword? Oh em gee. =) Want her outfits, too. Peter was kind of hot in a Cedric Diggory type way and Mr. Tumnus was kind of hot in an I can't believe I think a guy with goat legs is hot type way. Everything was beautiful and amazing, it really reminded me of being a child and actually believing that I might find another world in a wardrobe somewhere. Also the whole siblings thing made we want to call my brother and just be like *sob* I love you man! Let's go to battle together!
The only downside was I couldn't stop thinking about
this horrible post that I was linked to earlier today at innapropriate times. Like Aslan would come on screen, and my head would just go "30-40 times, Abby." And then I'd go, "Stop that, head." And then I got a headache.
Edited to add a list of Movies I still need to see:
-The one about the gay cowboys
-The one about a giant ape eating Jack Black's head
-The one about Colin Firth not playing Mr. Darcy
-The one about the Chinese geisha who speaks English