Life Update!

Jun 18, 2008 11:27

Here we go gang!

It occured to me while updating people on Ashton and I, that I never updated people on my life lol.. So here it goes.

Back in January, I got promoted to Supervisor. Yippie! This meant a pay raise(always fantastic)

Chattacon was fantastic in so many ways. I learned alot about myself at this con, and got to see how truly rotten some people can be. I also built some new relationships with some awesome people

Weddingcon was AMAZING. My big sister got married to a Mr. Dave Row. They are a fantastic couple, and I was happy to see Sonja happy. I never pass up a chance to see the Goonies! Mikey and Brann are ALWAYS a riot, and Alicia was as cute as a button! I miss the Goonies so much... I felt i owed them the world because of Dragoncon, but by the looks of it, they forgave me.

So now we get to the insane part...
I returned from Weddingcon to find Jedi-J asking me to join his forums, so i did. It is there that I met Ashton... My love :). It's funny to think that I had given up on everything mere days before we started talking. Seriously... Best thing to ever happen to me.
We had determined that i was coming to NYCC, not for the con though. I set those arrangements up and we were set!.
Oh a whim, I decided to go visit him. I had 3 days off, a friend was trecking up to the area too. SO it worked out PERFECTLY. 3 days spent with the most awesome man on the face of this earth? Cant go wrong.

So NYCC rolls around and we're completely in love, missing each other like crazy. The con was amazing. We got to spend 5 wonderful days together, enjoying each others company.

21st Birthday. Part of my gift to myself was NYCC. Getting to see my sweetie was the best thing ever! My parents got me two tickets to see Tom Petty, which Ashton agreed to attend with me. Ashton made me a wristband, a new Mirax rig, and my Troopette belt, and purchased me a 12 Inch talking David Bowie! Best boyfriend ever! On top of THAT he came down the next week for my family BBQ(which was also part of my present from my parents :) ).

The next month, May, i went up to Ashton's for a whole week! We went up to Salem and had a picnic with JD, Rae, Russ, and Cav. It was a BLAST! We walked around the town all day, and rocked it like only we know how! Ashton also took me to Ceremony again, seeing Jen was rockn! She's so awesome :) .

A week ago, Ashton came down for AshCon 4, aka the Tom Petty concert. Tom Petty was AMAZING. It was like a dream come true. Seeing Petty with someone I love :). He didnt play my favorite song but I'll forgive him ;). He played all of the other ones! The next day we spent time in Richmond, mainly Carry Town. We went to Hollywood cemetery, and visited Deb over at Tandy Leather. she LOVED his work. Since we were celebrating our 3 month that day, we grabbed a hotel room instead of wasting time driving an hour to get home. Ashton stayed an extra day so we went to Comics and Toys, and then saw Indy 4.

Now, I'm working my arse off at work, trying to pay off my CC(thank you car! only you could get so jacked up), and gearing up for my next trip to see my sweetie.

And that my friends, is whats been happening :)

On a side note... Ashton now has an ebay store with some of his backstock up! Lots of celtic and fun pagan things up. Check it out! pass it along to friends.. you know... that whole dealy
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