This is day.. one i guess? 24 Hours after falling in.. and after taking a shower(so they are much cleaner than usual)
Day 4 Updates
I cried when he sent these to me
I wish it was me who fell in. Not him. He didn't deserve that... At all :(
I cant get over this situation.. This is what someone posted about me
The reason I write this is because of an incident at an un-specified party involving un-specified people/person who may or may not have been drinking while underage. These un-specified people/person may or may not have brought an un-specified guest to said un-specified party. This un-specified guest may or may not have gotten sick all over the home of the un-specified host of the un-specified party. Said un-specified guest then may or may not have gotten banished from said un-specified house and proceeded to go into the woods and he/she may or may not have relieved him/herself all over his/her clothes. The people/person who brought said un-specified guest may or may not then started whining about not wanting to deal with said un-specified guest leaving the cleaning up and taking care of this un-specified guest to fall on either the un-specified host or other un-specified party attendees.
This was extremely un-nerving and was very immature behavior. I personally lost a lot of respect for said unspecified people/person.
My best friend was burnt Krispy(get it? haha) and all people seem to care about is that I drank while underage and that Mike was my "guest"(we've been over this. Mike was Jenn's plus 1, not mine).