So glad I don't work in HR

Jan 27, 2010 22:05

My Admin Coordinator was out sick on Monday and Tuesday. When she's out, I'm her back up. Our department is a little unique in that she's the Coordinator, but there are only two secretaries. Most departments have like 4+ secretaries. The HR department doesn't even have a secretary right now, just a poor, poor Risk Management/Benefits girl who also gets to be the interim secretary.

So Monday the HR Manager came up to me and wanted a copy of a memo that our director wrote back in October. I haven't ever had to dig into the files that our coordinator keeps, but she's basically a much older version of me, so I was able to figure out her filing system and dig it up pretty quickly.

Tuesday the HR Manager wanted a copy of a letter, back from January. At the time I asked her how quickly she needed it and she told me by the end of the week. So I finished what I was working on and went to look for it. I couldn't find it. Our coordinator is SUPER organized, to the point where, if she sees our director walking off with a memo or letter and she knows she hasn't seen it yet, she'll practically grab it out of his hands to get a copy. I had some other deadlines to meet, so I emailed her and told her I was having some difficulty, but I'd dig deeper before the end of the day.

Without emailing me back, she forwards the message to her HR interim secretary. Five minutes later, she's dug up the letter and gotten the HR manager a copy. Ever since then, the rest of yesterday and all day today, she's been totally giving me the cold shoulder.

First of all, she should have asked her interim secretary for it in the first place since it had to do with labor union negotiations.

Secondly, SERIOSULY, cold shoulder because I couldn't find a copy of a letter that she should have had in her files all along?

Gail came back today and I asked her about it. Asked if it would have been anywhere else than where I looked and she said that no, it wouldn't be anywhere else. In fact, she told me, pretty matter of fact, that if she didn't have a copy of it, she probably never saw it, that it was probably something HR prepared on behalf of our director and totally bypassed her.

This happens more often than we would like. No matter how many times it happens, they still don't get WHY we ask them to filter all letters, memos, and reports through us, the support staff. Don't they understand that we do it to benefit them?!?
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