Mar 28, 2006 16:05
Ok wow talk about about a really weird dream I just had. I'm writing this down as fast as I can so that the memory of it doesn't escape me. Ok. The basic setting is that we're still in high school-ish but we're also in college. I think it was still southside but matthew and I had a room together on the second or so floor so that obviously represented college. This "southside" was much nicer in that it had a courtyard and blahblah thats not important. The premise? Cynthia and Matthew were getting married. There were flowers set up all around the school to commemorate the occasion and wreaths and shit on stands. At the same time, I had a physics midterm and for some reason matthew had the same midterm. So there we were in our room studying our asses off for that midterm. Sam was there and I was asking her questions because for some reason she knew a lot more than me about physics. During this time I kept on asking her who the best man was because I don't think the couple had picked one out yet. Not that I would want to steal that honor from Saiju. I was just wondering. But after a while, she left the room ( I assume she went to go get ready for the wedding )and it was just me and matthew trying to find out tuxedos and I said, "Gee I finally get to wear this again." Before we knew it, it was 6:34 PM. The wedding was set for 7 PM. Matthew wasn't going to shower for it and he had positioned himself on his bed with a weird expression on his face (I'll assume this was cold feet). I still had to shower but for some reason I had put on my dress shirt.
"You really didn't think this through did you?" I asked as if to say, "Nice planning, ass."
But then I realized I had completely forgot about the midterm. I went on a ranting rampage and naturally, Matthew didn't care at all. I think I actually said, "You really didn't think this through, did you?" after I realized that Matthew had planned his wedding at the same time as a physics test. So I sprinted downstairs to the classrooms, hoping that the midterm was at 7 instead of 6. I ran into Ms Payne and she told me to stop running..which her? Then when I got close to the classroom, there were Penn kids i know walking out of it with glum expressions so that wasn't a good sign. Oh and Bobby walked out and had a little cameo in my dream.
So I went in to talk to the professor ( who was obviously ms chandler but I kept on calling her ms bradley) and there was Jack turning in his exam. I think i said something along the lines of, "itsmatthewsweddingandheandiweresobusygettingpreparedthatwedidntcheck the time andthetimeitpassedso fast and im sorry im sorryimsorryimsorry sorrysorrysorry." Jack was being all Jack. I said, "Ask Jack he knows about the wedding." Apparently Cynthia and Matthew hadn't invited him but I spent a few minutes convincing him that they did.
Naturally a person with Ms Chandler's kind face wouldnt refuse a makeup exam so it all worked out in the end. As I was going back upstairs to get dressed and showered for the wedding, Matthew was going downstairs to talk to her. And who should I run into outside our room but the bride-to-be (woot). She was wearing a black dress so I made some stupid remark like, "Not able to wear white on your wedding day, eh?" but then she pointed to a dress that was draped over her arm. She said something completely nonsensical like, "Today I'll wear whatever color I want. " Crap I forgot what she said but it was something about being the colors so I was like ...o k.
Then BAM! I woke up. Phooey. I didn't even make it to the wedding, but in the dream I pictured it and it was ...pretty freakin sweet.
Happy Birthday Cynthia!
..Yeah.. you just lost a few minutes of your life if you read the above in its entirety.