So I actually did this a while back, but I got mad at the computer so I didn't post it.
Facts About Me
- When I was little, I would bring my toys into the living room in color order, yellow first.
- Not washing my hair for a week doesn't bother me, yet I cannot stand to use a washcloth or towel more than once.
- When I don't use an electric toothbrush, I have a systematic way for cleaning out my toothbrush.
- I loathe antibacterial soap.
- My handwriting rarely looks the same, but I always capitalize my lowercase n's.
- I haven't seen my mom since I was 8, don't feel abd though, it doesn't matter.
- My daddy is one of the smartest, most amazing people I know. My nana one of the most loving. And Hadley one of the most loyal. I love them all dearly.
- I believe I have accquired nervous habits from my guinea pig.
- I must fold my gum into fourths before chewing.
- I don't drive yet I want a GMC Topkick, and a '68 Camaro SS.
- I know how to change oil, and have since I was like 7, but I doubt I will ever be strong enough to unscrew the filter.
- I cross my z's but not my 7's.
- I don't do well with female authority.
- I live for color, everything about it excites me, if I could major in it, I would.
- I want to go to the Citadel, at least for a week, just for the experience.
- I want to go back to Costa Rica and Spain, but I also want to go to Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Morocco, Greece, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Borneo, and the slums of Brazil[like in the Hulk].
- I want a real camera, and a macro lens.
- I've never been to Tennessee.
- When it's rainging outside, chances are I have a headache.
- I hate the word's stupid. Really.
- I block out the bad memories.
- I love flowers: Daffodils. Peonies. Ranuculus. Orchids. Dahlias. Tulips. Dandelions. I love them all...except roses.
- Faeries do exist.
- I make the best chocolate chip cookies. I promise.
- I am terrified of falling for a Marine.