it's been a while. how quickly time passes, how rapidly things change!
it feels like so much has changed, but there are paltry few things to "show" for these feelings. the biggest "change" is that she can sort of do an assisted walk. really, it's just falling forward while i hold her up, but over the last two days, she's started taking little steps with each fall. she alternates lifting each foot up in the air as i nudge her forward while propping her up, and it makes me want to declare impending real walking before shortly realizing i had done so for crawling over a month ago, and yet she's still just pushing herself backwards.
speaking of which, i SWEAR she's so, so close to crawling now. two weeks, i'm putting all my chips on it.
juno's a big eater now. just today, she indulged in a bunch of indian food, including naan, chicken, and potato dosa. she was all about it, but she hasn't quite figured out drinking out of her sippy cup yet, so i have to kind of force-feed her water. her favorite foods are apple, cucumber, and broccoli. she also gets healthy doses of sweet potato, pear, banana, mango, and squash. and once in a while, she gets a taste of chicken or french fries, both of which she went ham on. (no she hasn't had ham yet!) it's pure delight seeing her explore food, her eyes furrowing as she tastes something for the first time, not sure what to make of it yet and trying to understand what's happening. increasingly, she seems less shocked and awed at the sensations that come from new foods - less furrowed, psychedelic amazement and more enjoyment and exploration. it makes me a little sad, in a way, to see this, but also delighted. sad because this, in some way, reflects the loss of "purity" in her experience, which is now colored by expectation. (i can't help but wonder how this correlates with what appears to be a ubiquitous attitude toward development, from folk ethics to buddhism to tabula rasa to confucianism: that we are born pure and over time, that complete purity is gradually lost.) but it's also an inevitable part of learning: i can't expect her to be in complete shock at something each time she experiences it and also hope for her to learn - she'll never know how to play an instrument, read a book, or cook a meal if she doesn't have any expectations of how things will play out.
anyway, i took some nyquil and now i'm sleepy. more on this stuff later, i'm sure.