Jan 26, 2005 20:52
this client at work today was talking about having to live with someone who has OCD and how one trait of that is hoarding. and how this guy wont throw anything out, and cant prioritize what is really important and what really isnt, and how she'll try to get rid of stuff, and he'll pull it out of the trash...
and all i thought was, "ive pulled shit out of the trash thinking it was cool, and keeping it for years to use in a big art project someday. i hoard food even when i dont need to eat that much, b/c deep down, it bothers me thinking that the other person(s) will have an unequally large portion, if we all paid the same price. Do i actually hoard, or and i just greedy and selfish? and whats the line between the two?
so now im thinking i dont know whether i am OCD or totally paranoid, and isnt paranoia a sign of other mental disturbances i should be checking into?
if its ineveitable that you will turn out like your parents, then im up shit creek without a paddle.
note: dont have two hits in the middle of writing your entry and then try to come back to it 15 minutes later.