Mar 08, 2005 19:13
I decided I'm going to start a new contest. Basically, you must guess the quote in my title: guess who said it, where it came from, everything. I will try every week or so to give you a new quote. Just remember, the quote can be from anything, or anywhere. Be on the look out. The reward..hmm. I'm not so sure. It will be something.
I've been feeling really relaxed for some reason. I really like that feeling. I've just shaken everything off, and it feels nice. Very nice.
I got one of my AP test things signed. I just have 2 to go. I need to sign up really soon. I hopefully will do good. I really think I have a good shot at it. I may not be the brightest at times, but I know I have the capabilites. I truly do. As long as I set my mind to it, I know I'll do well.
I'm still debating on colleges, already. I'm not sure where I want to go. So many many decisions. It's really hard and confusing all at the same time. I'll figure it out. I know I will.
So I'm really psyched about what I get to do Friday. Hang with the girls, watch Eurotrip. Oh how great it will be. I'm bound to have a grand time. Yes, that's right, A GRAND TIME!
Has anyone noticed how ho hum school gets at times? Wait, everyone notices that.
Hmm...Today in french was quite fun. Dee was back to class and we were just going back and forth talking about usual. I'm going to miss her the most next year. Why must she graduate! Why! Je dit NON! haha..I think only a few people would get that.
People told me I looked cute today. That made me feel good. I like it when I look "good" or like a "sexy librarian." haha..It's such a great feeling.
Spring Break is coming up fast. I'm happy.
Has anyone see the handbook thingy to my sewing machine?! I can't find it! I need it!
Give me things to talk about. LEAVE ME COMMENTS AND PLAY MY CONTEST!
<3 Ashley