Homecoming was quite fun...too bad i couldnt see joe tho...that made me sad..but its the thought that counts....really..thats all i need...
Hmm...Dinner was fabulous-Kobes owns...it was amazing food...i really enjoyed it...the cook made me laugh.....
Hmm Friday i got to see all the seniors i hadn't gotten to see in forever and a day...Zach, The Twins, Emily, Rachel, Julie, Brian....oo brought me back...i was soo excited about that game.....
Lalalalaalala.... I wrote something
I hate the way you go along
I hate the way you act
I hate the way you just can't act bad ass
You think you're special
You think you're grand
You think that I'm your biggest fan
I'm not stupid
I'm not insecure
I'm not what you think
I'm not hardcore
I hate the way you try to fit in, trying to make yourself stand out
I hate the way you copy others, trying to make yourself "part of the crowd"
You steal things from me that was once rightfully mine
I wish I could stop you
I wish I could see through you
I wish I could heal my pain from you
Hm....I'm talking to emily...this is quite fun...haha..im going to go...nite nite
<3 Ashley