Jun 07, 2004 20:13
Incredebly long survey that I took to deal with my boredom.
****************Have You Ever??*****************
1. Been kissed: No
2. Done drugs: No... I did take a whole thing of Robitussin once... but that was when I was 5 so I don't know If that counts. Plus. It tasted good and I had no idea that it would make me feel like that.
3. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Yuck. Oreo's are G R O S S
5. Been on stage: Yes. Many a time
6. Been dumped: Nope
7. Has someone been unfaithful to you: No
8. Gotten drunk: No. I think the most alcohol I've ever had was like... a few sips here and there... not even enough to get tipsy.
9. Been to a concert: Yah, A few
10. Loved someone so much it made you cry: I don't think that I have ever been in love
11. Cheated on a test: Yes. But I wasn't really cheating because I already knew the answer. I was just checking it to make sure it was right!
12. Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere else: I think EVERYONE has done that.
13. Stolen something: Probably... when I was little. Not recently tho
14. Stalked someone: Nope. I'm not that desperate
15. Cold or hot: Cold
17. Blue or red: Blue
18. Rain or snow: Snow
19. Give or receive: Well. I like to think about it this way when you give something to someone else THEY are recieving. When someone gives something to me THEY are giving. So... I think both things are actually the same. There would be no givers without recievers!
20. Wool or cotton: Cotton... wool is itchy
21. Rose or daisy: Hmm...Daisy
22. Private school or public school: Public definatley
23. Chocolate milk or regular milk: Regular
24. Celsius or Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit... b/c its so much easier
25. Spring or fall: Fall
26. History or science: History
27. Math or English: English
28. Alternative or country: When I first read this question I had NOOO idea what it meant. I thought it meant like country as in ... United States or something. Definatley alternative
****************Opposite *****************
29. Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex: Yah
30. Do they know: No
31. What do you look for in a man: Sense of humor, how they act when they are alone AND how they act when their friends are around, and how he talks
32. What's the first thing you see in a man or woman: hair... isn't that weird?
33. Who are your funniest friends: Mimi (when she doesn't even know she's being funny), Allysa (when shes talking about something she's passionate about), Nat (when she gets sarcastic), and Michelle (when we have oober long ensemble practice)
35. Who makes you laugh/smile the most: I would say Ross... even tho I try really hard not too
37. Who's your best friend(s):That is a BAD question to ask at this point. I think I know and then it changes. I think that basically all of my really good friends are my "best friends"
38. Whos the loudest: Mimi
39. Whos the shyest: Harriet
40. Whose parents do you know the best: Christy's
41. Who are you jealous of: God... So many people... You can figure out who I'm sure
42. Who has the best room: The best room.... I don't know... OH WAIT!!! Justin has the best room! He has a WHOLE CORRIDOR to HIMSELF except for Brenden's "drum room".. A WHOLE CORRIDOR!!!!
*******Within the last 24 hours*****************
43. Had a serious talk: Semi- Serious... I don't think I can take myself seriously.. It depresses me
44. Hugged someone: Yes... Harriet is moving tomorrow so lotsa huggin going on there
45. Gotten along with your parents: Semi-ly... I love my parents!!! I just feel like such a brat around them :(
46. Fought with a friend: Not directly...
****************Do you like to...****************
47. Get hugs: Yea
49. Take walks in the rain: As long as it isn't the hot and sticky yucky kind... I'm particular about my rain walking!
50. What did you do this summer: Well... it has only just begun! But I SAW HARRY POTTER!!! and i'm on swim team, and I'm going to New Jersey and Alicia is coming down to visit and I've been doing lotsa fun stuff with my friends!
****************Which one of your friends?*************
51. Is most likely to grow up and be a model/singer: Christy
52. Who knows most about you: Christy about certain things but I think Mimi knows the most about like... my "problems" and Alicia about long term things
53. Is most likely to become a comedian: Does it sound stupid if I say me? B/c I have that stupid corny joke sense of humor that could make me like.... 2 cents if I were ever to do something like that
54. Have you known the longest: I met Megan in the hospital when we were wee things... But i don't talk to her any more. I've known Alicia since I was three. And I've known Kelly for a hecka long time too!
55. Do you know most about: Do I know most about? I would say Christy...
57. Best friends: Gosh... Haven't we been THRU this already?
59. Most likely to end up in jail: Allysa DEFINATLEY... she can't keep her mouth shut!
60. Person you hate the most right now: Hate's a strong word.. How bout burning dislike due to events that have happened and how bout i don't write it here
61. Single or hooked: Single
62. Dumped someone that you didnt really even like in the first place: Haha... no
63. Who is your biggest crush? If you really need to know you'll ask
64. If you were going to go out with anyone who would it be: What a dumb question... If I was going to go out with someone? That's so random and it really doesn't make sense and wouldn't this be the same answer as who is my crush?
65. Have you had a lot of b/f's: no
66. Have you ever had an online relationship:no... i'm not stoopid
67. What is your worst habit:
Chewing on pen caps and water bottle caps
Talking too much
Talking too much about Harry Potter
68. What really makes you mad:
People who get stuff that they don't deserve
People who get stuff that they didn't want in the first place
People who get stuff that they didn't have to work for to get
People who are annoying
People who act like they know more about Harry Potter than me
People who act like they know more (in general) than me
People who know more than i do... b/c then i do this really weird thing where I get to the point where I look up the stuff that they were talking about until I know more than they do
People who call me sweetie and honey and darling when they don't know me/ don't care about me/ are about to yell at me or insult me
Ah.... there are countless other things but i cant list them all here because the list would go on forever. But one thing that really annoys me is when i end up doing one of the things on my own list :(
69. Scariest moment: When the van broke down in the middle of nowhere when we first moved to Beaumont in a location where someone had gotten murdered and attacked just a few weeks before
70. Happiest moment: Well Well Well... This is a really hard question. I guess one recent thing that really made me happy was when I got along with my mother all day long. That was special. And also there are those times when I get really happy for no reason. And last Thursday at midnight I was realy happy b/c I was watching Harry Potter. And being around my friends makes me happy most of the time
71. Do you swear too much: Erm.. Lately I've gotten what one might call a "potty mouth" But I'm trying not to because I think that saying a lot of cuss words makes you look stupid and like a hick. A few a day for emphasis on a really passionate statement may be considered okay... just as long as it is kept to a minimum.
72. How do you feel about homosexuals: Everyone should be allowed to run their life as they see fit. If thats the way their ship sails what are WE supposed to do about it? So it comes down to the fact that I don't agree with that... but I'm not going to exclude someone for just being who they are
73. Do you dress like a /prep/snob/sporty/or just plain: What is "just plain" I guess just plain??? How do u dress "snobby"...???
74. When was the last time you showered: This afternoon after swim practice
75. What color pants do you have on right now: Jeans
76. What is the last thing you said: Nite mom luv ya
77. What is your computer desk made of: Wood covered in a fake wood covering
78. What are the last 4 digits in your phone #: 9654
79. What was the last thing you ate: drank some diet coke and water
80. If you were a crayon, what color would you be: mac and cheese because it is such a random color... not really brown not really yellow. Plus when the entire year is done it is the only color crayon in my sisters box that has never been use ... so i would live FOREVER!
81. Who would you want to spend the rest of your life with: A man who loves me for who i am and what i can become and who will have fun just doing random things
82. Do you have a lava lamp: what a random question...er ... no i dont
83. How many buddies do you have on your list: 176 because stupid aim won't let me add any more b/c it for some reason thinks i already have 200
84. What did you do last night: Make icons and sleep
85. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: Mimi... tho it really wasn't talking b/c i couldnt hear what she was saying
86. What’s the nicest thing you find about the opposite sex: their simple minds
88. What is the nicest present you’ve gotten this year: the jewelery box that i got for my birthday... for some reason i just really like it
89. How do you eat an Oreo: 2 oreo questions on one quiz? that is 1/50 of the entire quiz spent on the most unhealthy fad filled made directly from lard cookie of all time. I do NOT eat Oreo's
90. Favorite M&M's: Regular
91. Who makes you happy: I don't know. Every one that makes me happy also makes me sad. Optimistic right?
92. Favorite CD: the one i just burned for myself
93. Height: 5'4"
94. Are you a loser: Yes... an oober loser nuff said
95. Last CD you bought Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
96. Have you ever won any special awards: Yeah... in 6th grade i got the "directors award for band" and the "most likly to succeed in music" then the next year my band director decided she didnt like me anymore and now look where i am
97. What do you want to be when you grow up: Some kind of teacher... its kind of between Geography and English. Thats what i want to do as of now... AND ive always wanted to direct a movie
98. What are your future goals: To do whatever I want and be good at what i do... and go to Europe without a tour guide. and to direct some type of movie...or do anything for some kind of movie...produce, write, build sets, camrafy...
99. What animal do you want to be: a koala. One time i drew a pretty picture of a koala. Then my artistic muse got drained.
100. Glad this survey is over: sure. It took a hecka long time