Jan 21, 2009 02:07
Got home from work around 8 pm today...right off the bat I see my living room tv on the floor and I see a smaller older tv I've been trying to sell in its place. Turns out the bigger 27" one gave out and just couldn't make it up the tracks. I think to myself that is some kind of messed up luck and I go to my room where I find my brother on my pc and I say 'yo man what gives' cause that's how I talk and then he tells me the 21" crt monitor on the living room started shooting sparks and died out. So I'm like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffuuuuu (illustration not included) At this point I'm crunching numbers trying to see what the fastest most affordable deal on an lcd monitor is when my brother once again suggests we play the xbox and waste some time, so upon trying so we get the 3 Rings of Death (see Three Rings of Death on google for more info on this annoyance) so...yeah I guess I must have done something pretty messed up borderline satanic and now I must find my way back.