Rec Post, July-January

Feb 01, 2017 22:27

So, long time no post! Have some recs. A mix of Avengers and Leverage, for your pleasure.

Collected Bones of All Kinds by
There was a reason that he ran, but he doesn’t remember anymore. He was on his way to the extraction - waiting for night to fall so that he could travel inconspicuously - crouched in a hollow on the roof of an old brick building - a warehouse, maybe - and the fading light - the light caught - on a blond head down below on the street. Laughter, and a cadence to the man’s speech that sounded familiar, misplaced R’s and blurry Th’s, quarter, water, this, that, the other one.

Love Stories for Tedious People by
The emergency departments of hospitals are all alike. Some are small, just a couple of rooms, a bathroom, a harried nurse who greets the frequent fliers by name, and some are huge, with dozens of rooms and a team of people who don’t even know each other’s names, let alone the patients.

What They Asked For by
Bucky raises his eyebrows at that, leers. “What, you don’t think I could be convincing?”

Theoretical Physicist by
“I’m sorry, sir,” said the airline representative behind her slick gray desk. “There just isn’t anything I can book you on instead. It’s shutting down the whole airport. It could just be a couple of hours, but we don’t know.”
She seemed like a nice enough woman, and Bruce fought down the welling rage in his throat. Not her fault. He smiled and said, “Thank you for letting me know,” and then went to find a drink.

You've Got (My) Mail by
Papers littered the floor in front of the stuffed-full mailbox as soon as he managed to get the little key to turn.
Bruce swore under his breath while he bent down to get them; his bag swung off his shoulder and smacked him in the leg, and he swore again. Physics journals-two of them-and junk mail, great, and a huge swirling crest announced the letter from the alumni association trying to convince him to fork over some money.

Curtains by
“Pepper, you can’t be serious,” said Bruce.
“Of course I can,” she said, and smiled at him serenely, crossing her legs under her glass desk. She looked like Sheryl Sandberg’s wet dream.
“Did Nick sign off on this? Tell me Nick didn’t sign off on this.”

Fine and Fierce by
Los Angeles was eighteen million degrees, weeks too early for it. Tony was sweating. It was good, it was his city, he loved it, he was basically part of it, but-on days like this, if he couldn’t be positioned directly in front of, and behind, and to the side of, air conditioning units, or at least fans, then there just wasn’t much point, was there, in existing in a corporeal three-dimensional form. The sun was beating down without mercy on the concrete and Tony folded his arms.
“I don’t know what we’re even doing here,” he whined to Pepper, who smiled at him with the arch patience of a saint. She was wearing linen. It was uncreased. Unwrinkled. She wasn’t sweating through it-or at all. It was uncanny.
“You’ll live, Tony,” she said.

The Way Out Is The Way Down by
"We’re alive in defiance of the law, now,” Natasha said bitterly.
“Well,” Steve said, and pushed his plate away. “We’ll just have to break in and get them.”
“Right, let’s take it from the top,” Natasha said wearily. “The Raft is a fully submersible supermax prison-“
“We can do it,” Steve said.
-The Way Out by
The words died as Natasha unzipped the top of her uniform and, grinning, yanked out a book.

Down Into The Golden Lands by
Speranza and
"Did he leave a forwarding address, the emigrating bastard? Steve Rogers, 50 Main Street, Valhalla?"

Our Lingering Frost by
When S.H.I.E.L.D. finally locates the plane Captain America drove into the ocean, Colonel James Barnes drops everything to go bring Steve's body home at long last. He finds more than he was expecting.

American Joe by
Twitter returned five million, seven hundred thousand, six hundred and five accounts claiming to be ‘Captain America’, ‘Steve Rogers’, and variations of. An algorithm quickly proved all accounts to be fake.

Complications by
Clint's got a plan to retire and go find himself a simple life at his family's old farm. Simple is good, right? Easy to remember. Simple is why he doesn't really mind that his soul-print has never activated, because a soulmate could only add another layer of complexity to his life.
And then the Winter Soldier turns up at his archery range on the Avengers base, and simple slips through Clint's fingers.

Featured Rec - back seat drive by
Bucky wants a car. Bucky gets a car. Now Bucky wants to blow Steve while he’s driving the car.
It’s awful, how Steve just keeps giving him what he wants.
Oh my God, it's like someone put all my kinks in a bag and shook it up and out tumbled this fic. Relationships/sex while in recovery. Aftercare. Gentle, super hot power dynamics. Getting off on giving something they want, just because it's what they want. Making it fucking work, because hell, you are going to make it work this time. And incredibly, for something with honest recovery treatment, this is free of tragedy and full of so much sass and banter as foreplay. If it was twenty times as long, it would be amazing, but as it is, I will happily read it twenty times and be glad it exists.

The Two Weddings Job by
A year later, Sophie and Nate finally remember to get married. Looks like Eliot beat them to the punch.

Eliot's Achilles' Heel by
It took Eliot forever to pinpoint the problem.
Or maybe not problem so much as pitfall.
Or something.
Whatever it was, the fact that he’d never been so close to people in his own line of work meant that he was becoming spoiled for companionship.
Or, the one where Eliot really needs cuddles and finally gets them. just how he likes them, too.

only ever ruin someone like you mean it by
Parker loves getting her way, Eliot's the world's subbiest sub, and Hardison's baffled and delighted by how his life worked out.

Guard Your Eggshell Heart by
Parker had a theory, and her theory was this: it made Eliot really happy when they noticed the things he did for them. It made Eliot happy when they made sure he knew they noticed the things he did for them. And when Eliot thought they didn't notice, it made him- not unhappy, but something worse, something like he knew that was all he could expect from anyone and he'd resigned himself to it a while back. Once she'd noticed it, she couldn't stop, and the realization of how often they took Eliot for granted made her stomach twist uncomfortably.

something good can work (and it can work for you) by
“When you say ‘we’re making dinner,'” Eliot finally says, “do you really mean ‘Hey you should come over and cook dinner for us so we don’t burn down the apartment?’”

Odd One Out by
"We should talk about Eliot," Alec says, at the same time Parker says, "We should have sex in a hammock."

Shelter Me by
Eliot's their hitter, and taking on any physical threats to the team is his job, but there's something beyond professionalism - even beyond the obvious fact that Eliot relishes the fight itself - in the way he puts his body between Parker or Alec and any potential threat. Alec has a good view of Eliot's back on a lot of jobs, and he reads something in the tight line of Eliot's shoulder, in the slow turn of his foot as he steps into a fighting stance.
Something possessive.

It's a Long Way to Zanzibar by
It seemed like a good idea at the time-a road trip to the Grand Canyon-although Eliot doesn't actually remember agreeing to the idea. He figures it'll be fine as long as he does most of the driving.

Triptych by
Parker liked Eliot.
Hardison liked Eliot.
There was a space where Eliot could fit into their lives, closer to them. Parker could see it, like a hole in a security system. It would work.
Getting her boys to fall in line, that's the difficult part.

Brothers by
zathara001 (Crossover with The Librarians)
"Of all the brewpubs in all the world, you had to walk into mine." While escaping from a monster out of myth, Jacob Stone runs into someone he hasn't seen in twenty years.

The Job Interview Job by
Unemployed librarian Bobby Dismas isn't sure how Leverage found him or what they want with him, but apparently it has something to do with his conspiracy theory website about Roy Chappel (and Kenneth Crane, and Jacques Labert).

Featured Rec - The Food Cart Job by
She was only here for a long weekend, using this convention as an excuse to see Alice for the first time in over a year, or using Alice as an excuse to get away for a convention, or using both as a reason to finally take a vacation, because it was about damn time.
At least, that was the original plan.
If you like great characterisation, a fantastic premise, plenty of Amy and Peggy, fun, food, sass and beautifully written OT3, this fic is what you've been missing. Dive in.

Motion Parallax by
So, apparently Amy’s boss was part of a criminal gang.

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avengers, leverage, rec, fan fiction

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