This is mainly for my own benefit, since I read very little RPF, but the few I do like I really like a lot, and I like to be able to reread. I spent half of yesterday looking for one of these stories again, and if I make a list, then I can find them whenever I want.
Seems You Set It Free by
the-rusty-birdJudesie is in denial. A bit.
Gay Hollywood Life Partner, Whatever by
autoschediasticBeing fucked by Robert is exactly like being his friend.
Cute Ones Are Usually Gay by
paerclipbitchHe thinks that maybe Hamlet had no idea what real actual fucking suffering was.
This is how we begin series by
auctorialThe real problem is that Jude has no idea where he stands.
Amazing by
ingridmatthewsThe Oscar presentation goes surprisingly well.
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