* I seem to have accidentally fallen into writing a gen Steve, Tony, Bucky nonpowered AU, where Steve is a returned vet who has been paired through the Big Brother Big Sister program with thirteen year old Bucky, because Bucky just lost his arm, and Steve lost a leg in combat. Tony visits the children's ward one day (after getting home from Afghanistan) and decides to make Bucky a robot arm. My dilemma is this - I've racebent Bucky to be African American. And my only knowledge of African American dialect/speech patterns is TV and movies, which I know is comically flawed at best and tragically racist at worst as a source. So I'm putting a call out to my flist, for anyone who is African American who might be willing to beta read and con crit it when it's done. Or even if you're not African American, but you know of someone who might be willing to help, that would be really useful. I haven't written a character of colour for years, not since I had a fandom group that involved a few POC who were willing to chip in with advice whenever I needed it. I don't want to post something offensive when I'm aiming for fluffy gen fic.
EDIT: A few very nice people have told me in the nicest possible way that my request itself is racially problematic. I can only say in my own defence that it wasn't intended that way, quite the opposite, and chalk it up to cultural differences, since I'm not American and don't instinctively know what is taboo to ask or say because I haven't grown up in that culture. I've left this open on the encouragement of one of them, who suggested that it's more educational for it to be open, not hidden away, so I've put a strike through it and footnotes it so that casual readers of this journal will know without digging into comment threads that it's been addressed and I know that I made a rather glaring faux pas.
* I have a podfic for my Harry Potter story Apples that I recorded back in 2008 for a podfic minifest that never got off the ground. I've never had it up anywhere, and I have no idea where to put it up. It's my only podfic, so I'm not interested in paid websites. But I also don't want it disappearing if it doesn't get many hits. I have a mediafire account that I guess I could put it up on, but I didn't know if there were better options. Thoughts?
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http://iamshadow.dreamwidth.org/397725.html. Please comment there using