So, when we visited my family the other week we caught some crud off my nephew. He'd had croup and my step-dad had pneumonia. End result being that we've both been laid low for coming up on two weeks. Emma's got pneumonia. I don't, and I don't think I have a secondary infection, but who the fuck knows, it's persistent and it doesn't want to go away.
On the plus side, we managed to haul ourselves into Bathurst on Wednesday because we were out of practically everything in the fridge. We got through a shop and got home safely. Yesterday, we dragged ourself up to the visitor's centre and managed to pay off two months backlog of rent that was overdue, one more payment next fortnight and we'll be caught up, finally. Our kitchen looks like a bomb hit it, but we've somehow been making about one meal a day, even if that meal is something basic like mac and cheese. And I got our neighbour to take our bins to the tip for us yesterday, so we're not overflowing with garbage like we were.
I am so fucking spaced, I am rereading only things I'm highly familiar with because my attention span sucks. We've been subsisting with the tiny useless fan heater because the oil heater, though brilliant, toasted the socket we plugged it into the other day, which means it's faulty, and neither of us has anywhere near enough energy to be building and maintaining the fire. The dogs are bored, bored of us being laid up, bored of being fed just biscuits night after night rather than their usual wet and dry mix. My knitting has more or less got put on hold; I'm going to try to cast on for a soaker today, but if the gauge is wrong or I can't do the maths I may have to give up and let it lie. We started watching Castle, because it was easy and a friend has recced it to us, but even it's been left alone for the last couple of days, because the organisation of getting us both set up on the couch and then the focus required to watch new things seems like way too much effort. I keep thinking I should at least do a load of fucking dishes, or take a shower, and then I get woozy just from walking to the toilet and I just end up parked back on the sofa for the next three hours instead. I have so many things I should be doing, and I can't do a damn one of them.
And we got our fucking flu shot this year, wtf.
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