Just put my hand up for a trope bingo card, and on the one hand, I'm sort of terrified, because I haven't done a fest or a challenge in like five years, and on the other hand I'm sort of pissed that all three of the fics I've posted in the last few weeks are reworkings of tropes on their list, so depending on the card I get, I could potentially have three of five bingo... and none of them count because they're already published.
The comments on Copycat and Coping Strategies have been amazing. I haven't had such profound, well constructed comments on what I've written since I was in Potter fandom. I'd forgotten what it was like. It makes me want to write more, makes me want to find those quirky ideas I used to have all the time. I hadn't realised that how prolific I was was linked so closely to the kind of feedback I was getting, but I guess it's not really that big a surprise. It feels a bit like vanity, but I don't think many people thrive shouting into a void, and some fandoms/ships really feel that way. It's been really gratifying to receive comments like this for my gen fic, too. I always thought my gen fics were stronger works than my ship ones, for the most part. But, say, Sherlock fandom, it's mostly all about the OTP, and gen fic doesn't really get as much attention. Potter was strongly ship oriented, too. And Torchwood. White Collar, on the surface at least, has been really good to me so far, which make me want to write it shiny, shiny things. And if it's just as happy with gen as with ship, I think we'll get along great.
In other news, I'm fucking melting, but at least we're not on fire right where I am right now. I'm just waiting for the news of floods up north, it's always on fire at one end and too wet at the other. You'd have thought they'd have invented some kind of transcontinental aqueduct to fix that, by now. Or, just propped the Top End up a bit, and let the wet stuff run down to the bottom.
Still not had any rain, must have been about two months now. Mum and my uncle came up yesterday, brought us a refurbished condensing cooler that's made it a bit closer to bearable, but we're still camping out indoors, not venturing outside. They also fixed the guttering, replacing the section that didn't connect the north eastern side guttering to the water tanks; it just used to spill all down the path. So now, when the rain does come, we'll be getting all of the water that hits the roof in the tank, not just the stuff hitting the south west side. They got paid in lunch, and jam.
Spent the last couple of days knitting, drinking way too much water, and rewatching White Collar S3. I'm caught up to 4.03 again, which is where I got up to before, so, new-to-me eps are in my future. I'm hoping that when I run out, I'll have some ideas for fic and be able to write some stuff while I'm waiting for the second half of S4. I've got at least one vague idea for a post-S3 AU, but it hasn't really caught fire for me yet, so it may not be anything.
I'm vaguely dissatisfied with my available choices of icons, but still use all of them enough that I don't really want to delete any of them to make room for new ones. I guess I'll have to, eventually. For now, I have crying!Neal as my new icon over on AO3. Never had an icon over there before, so it still startles me when I see it in the corner.
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