Three sets of relatives. Two cities. Three days.
My icon is super relevant, because I'm REALLY not supposed to be on here today, I am supposed to be frantically packing the car, and then driving for seven hours.
I finished Copycat LAST NIGHT, and
tree00faery has already put her hand up, unprompted, to do me a beta, even though she had her wisdom teeth out and is on Vicodin, so she wins the internet. She may be using betaing my story to avoid her family. I APPROVE.
It maxed out at over 9,100 words. It's casefic, with a plot and everything, guys. I don't know who I am any more. It's an AU, but there are plenty of in jokes and tips of the hat to bits of series 1-3 canon, so that's fun to write and hopefully just as fun to read. What with the stupid season, and everyone having to interact with people in real life for a change, I'm thinking it'll go up early in the new year, but who knows, I may get impatient and throw it up after Boxing Day or something.
So, go do whatever you guys do at this time of year, whether that's enduring an enormous dinner with family, or sitting in your dorm room with your mates, eating take away food and watching crappy action movies, or just staying at home, enjoying being alone. Whatever you're doing, have fun, take care of yourself. You're all brilliant.
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