Title: A Break In Routine
iamshadowFandom: Sherlock
Pairings: Gen, with random non-shippy Sherlock/John
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,400
Summary: An injury can shift the balance of things in a hundred little ways.
Warnings: Unstated consent/dubcon, but in a humourous context. If dubious or unstated consent bothers you, this story might not be for you.
A/N: Just an idea that came to me that I wanted to get out there. Probably not my most polished work, but it makes me laugh, and hopefully it will you too.
While this wasn't written for
this prompt on
ariadnes-string's Running Hot fic meme, it could be read as such. If you're willing to ignore the lack of John/Lestrade, that is, and indeed ANY Lestrade at all.
A Break In Routine)
This entry was originally posted at
http://iamshadow.dreamwidth.org/338071.html. Please comment there using OpenID.