i would like to take the next few minutes to talk about my adorable and amazing professor, Jack. Here is his head shot:
Jack is seriously the best teacher ever. Not only did he invite us to his house in october for pizza, he invited us a second time the other night for a secret santa party with banana splits. He is so nice and cares so much about us, it is so cute. Here is example one of his awesomeness (an email):
See ya in class and I hope you had some good times over the weekend and that
I don't have to bail any of ya outta jail.
PS. I'm dressing up for Hallowe'en today as a professor, so you might not recognize me.
Second example.
You guys who are now so maaahhhture that you can register online, well la dee da to you. Still, you have to come by my office to pick up your pin number. That way I can still see your mugg and remind you that I miss you and wish you well. If you are a punk first year student, make sure that you have 2,367 possibilities for classes when you come in. Well, how about eight or nine.
Example three. If you didnt read anything else in this post, read this. its sooo cute.
Dear Gang o' Mine!
Ok, so here comes finals week. And papers and tests and labs and PAAAAAAAANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it's the end of the world, then it doesn't matter. If it's not the end of the world, it feels like it matters, but ya know what? It matters a lot less than making sure you get your rest and making sure you decorate a tree and walk downtown 8th Street. Visit Santa. What the heck. Be a kid. Stick your tongue on a lamp post.
Watch a silly Christmas movie or a good one. Go buy a present for your kid brother or sister or niece or nephew. Make up with someone. Give a card or a donut to a custodian. Thank someone you never thanked before for something they would never know that you appreciated. Sleep. Sleep some more. Take a study break with your pals and go have pizza or coffee or hot chocolate or Guinness stout or peppermint ice cream. Slide on the ice. Look up at the sky. Stand in a snowfall. Watch the light. Walk down the street at night in a snowstorm. Look out the window and think of home. And part way through each lab report or paper or exam, look up and smile, glad you know what is really REALLY important. And remind yourself of what the Grinch learned, that "It came. It came just the same."
I love him!! What a great teacher, seriously. Im sorry if you cant see how awesome this guy is, and i know some of you dont care, i just thought maybe someone might. Cause i know i do. christmas is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!