Jul 26, 2009 15:01
I’ve never been on a cruise before, and it’s weird. It’s like a mini hotel, but then you look out the window and theres an ocean and seals. Our boat (ship,whatev) is big, so seasickness hasn’t been the issue I thought it would be. Even so, I have my nausea bracelet handy. It’s a plain black wristband that actually makes me feel a little bad ass when I wear it, but in reality it indicates quite the opposite.
On cruises, when the boat sets sail there’s this giant takeoff celebration with a live band and lots of hoopla. In the middle of ours, the captain came on the intercom to inform us that the day before, our ship had caught a dead blue whale in its wake and the cruise line was cooperating with the authorities and everyone was super bummed about it, etc. I asked Trent about it, and he said “I mean, thank God that whale was already dead when we picked it up!” Trent’s perspective is…interesting.
If my extended family can stop making fun of everyone with a foreign accent (i.e. over half the people on the boat (sorry Trent, “ship” sounds dumb”)), we could be in for an okay ride. My aunt said our Ukranian waiter reminded her of the Pink Panther. Last I checked, the Pink Panther is French.