May 30, 2005 00:44
I read rainwater's lj and I must say that I'm a little bit on both sides of the argument. I believe what he is saying when he told me what happened but at the same time I'm sorta with Tal on his side of the argument. I'm not choosing sides by no means it just I read it and that's my opinion on it.
I'm visiting Ashley and her hubby Jonathan in Columbus. Or I might as well say close to New Hope but not there yet. Also, playing some Halo 2 and getting my ass kicked so all in all a good night. I talked to Colin as he was going to Florida to sit on the beach! He sucks so much ass right now it's not even funny. Well, that's all there is to say I will comment on some poeple and then head back to alchohol and then some more halo. Talk at ya later!