Oct 11, 2006 21:40
The straps are tight
I feel a sting like a slap in a fight
The status of the team lies on tonight
The chlorine stings your nose and your blinded by the light
You tuck your hair into your cap and carefully lay your towel on your lap
A hand hits your back as the coach encourages you with a slap
The fans already begin to clap
Your race is called
You feel as if your legs have stalled
You step up on the starting block
Goggles slap on your face like the tick of a clock
You jump up and down as you feel your heart about to jump through your crown
You tightly grip the ground and dive at the high pitch sound
The icy water hits you quick
Your body feels heavy and thick, straight as a stick
Your head is screaming "KICK"
Your arms quickly swish out and in
You glide through the water like a dolphin
You quickly take a breath to the right as lane two quickly passes you like a bird in flight
There is no time for breathing
With all the thoughts your brain is receiving
Your energy is quickly leaving
Lane two is an arms length away
2nd place is where he needs to stay for first place is my prey
Your weak legs kick twice as hard as your arms spiral through the water
You've finally caught him
The walls in sight now's the time to put up a fight
Your mind is screaming win
You've got it in the bin
Your fingers skim the wall
You weakly climb out and fall
As the guy in lane two punches the wall
You fill with victory as you feel your head pound and your puke hits the ground
As the pool fills with an exciting sound
You smile at the crowd
As you did the unbelievable
You are no longer deceivable
You shake the wet hands of fellow swimmers and realize you achieved
something that not even you believed