Apr 12, 2005 18:51
what are the odds that i would find two of these in two days? seriously...
[a]ge: 16
[b]estfriend: donthave one
[c]hoice of meat: burger king
[d]ream date: jake epstein
[e]xciting adventure: ive been on many
[f]avorite food: pasta
[g]reatest accomplishment: playing over 2000 games of spider solitaire
[h]appiest day of your life: the day i got my license
[i]nterests: movies
[j]ello: im a fan of chicken and jello (only liz cash will get that haha)
[k]ool aid: "on no! oh no!...oh yeah!"
[l]ove: marijuana
[m]ost valued: my guitar, video camera, car, hookah, and tyrone...oh yeah my friends are ok sometimes
[n]ame: Lily
[o]utfit you wore to school today: Jeans and a t-shirt
[p]izza topping: ziti pizza is amazing
[q]uestion most asked: what?
[r]adio station: for rock 104.3/95.9 for my random ganster music moods 97.1
[s]port: snowboaridng
[t]elevision show: DEGRASSI
[u]r favorite song: dont have one
[w]here you live: westpo CT
[x]yz: my fly's zipped thanks
[y]ear born: 1988
[z]odiac sign: virgo
Colby get your ass over here and take a survey with me!