I dreamed that David Tennant was trying to kill me. We were in a sort of dark mill town and I'd said something that offended someone and about 90% of the town turned against me and David Tennant set off as an assassin to find me. I hid in the homes of sympathizers who were desperately worried that I would attract the evil Tennant to their homes and daughters, so they'd kick me out time and again. In a brief moment of optimism I found $1400 in cash lying on the floor. I ran up and down stairs into dark subway tunnels, and over barbed wire fences into stone quarries, into bomb shelters and on the bus heading out of town, but Tennant was always just a step behind me.
In the end he came at me with a gun and I had no choice but to bash his skull into bloody bits with a
4D MagLite.
... and then we done sex. That part was nice. Thank you, subconscious, for getting me out of that mess!
(Later, ask me about the dream where me, a black bear, and Nanci Griffith's bodyguards fought an onslaught of horrible birds.)