Have seen through "Turn Left" and am about to watch "The Stolen Earth." Spoilers for the first and pre-spoilers for the second below.
In May I said, "we've been hinted at about Companionpalooza, and that all the Doctor's companions were going to have to save the Doctor -- but no one specified that it was the Tenth Doctor they'd save."
I also cast about some wild speculation that Rose would be Eleven, and, I mean, who knows. At this point it's probably River Song, hence the Song, and the Screwdriver. At first I thought she was a kind of embodiment of the TARDIS -- you know, like Rommie on Andromeda? -- and I still sort of maintain that, but I've also got that pang in my side that suggests she's Eleven. Regardless -- and I haven't seen Stolen Earth -- I bet it's a female doc this time.
My fears and speculation, May 4th. The Doctor and Donna Noble, eh? *nods* I better go add that to my Interests list before it's moot.
"Turn Left" KILLED ME, from Chantho through the Russian immigrant smiling as he went off to the labor camps, from Sarah Jane sacrificing herself, Maria, and Clyde while trying to pick up where the Doctor left off, to Donna's Other Life to Rose's Other Life.
projectjulie let me dig my fingernails into her arm as we watched, huddled together in a Philly hotel room this weekend. I bawled like a LUNATIC, huge gulping crying sobs, the WHOLE TIME. I fully expect the same level of bawling as I go into this scorched "Earth" business.
I'll be in my bunk.
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.