Mmm. Ahem. Sigh.
Was browsing around, hit
this. And actually, I have no idea what's going on, being retired from most of the whatsits and whoosits and Usenets and so forth, but there seems to be a Big Dark Something C's afraid of. people cracking down on fic sites, is that it? Because they've read slash and RPS and they're scared? stop me if I've got this wrong.
and I'm just, sigh.
Eh, anyway. I'm just, I'm not sitting in a corner denying all knowledge, I guess. I'm, yeah, but we know I'm an idiot anyway snickering, I'm always the one in the meetings with the network reps saying, you know, those fans have some good ideas. I come right out. I say, "yeah, I don't use my real name, but I'm in there, doing it." wrote my thesis on fan participatory culture, for god's sake. Maybe it's different I'm in the TV business. I don't think it is. It's just, it's a great big wide world out there, just small enough to fit in our bedrooms.
Is it, what, it's -- we're afraid of being TOSsed? Is that it? by those alleged small-minds who allegedly toss High Noble fanfic in the stew with slash and that nasty 'Nsync business?
Agh, it's all the same. It's all good. It's all, I mean. It IS all the same. Slash and 'Nsync and, holy of holies, Iolokus, the Talking Stick series, whatever, it IS all the same. We're all getting our ya-yas from Ikea, you have to put 'em together yourself but they cost a little less! [/Chanandler Bong]
I mean. We're the same as the kids with the bootlegs and Napster and Thumb Wars, we're the same, we're the same, it's fandom, we're the same.
So I just figure, strength in numbers, right? Because it's most days I'd rather stand by Helen and Laura Kaye and people like wax and sinead I've never really read, in Nsync which I don't really read, but to each her own, they're damned good writers and I dig 'em and what they do. So I'd rather stand by them, by the likes of torch and Hal and Te and slashers, by weirdos who write Sentinel AUs I don't even understand, all of us in this mess we're in. Right? I mean, I swear, I don't know. But, right?
That there's a hell of a lot of us and we're all doing the same thing and it's the 21st century -- have you seen this miniseries, A&E maybe, this The Future Is Now thing? We're living in the future, talkin' with our minds, wearing turquoise jewelry and standin' in soup lines. (As John Prine says.)
So I'm just -- I don't see the point of being devisive/righteous/separatist/whatever. In this world where everyone listens to PJ Harvey and Radiohead and can agree to disagree about Planet of the Apes. We LIVE here.
Shana and I were talking about this today, over good bread and Chuck Knoblock. (Knobloch?) That this internet's a community like anyone else. and of course, you've always got picket signs, don't want any of those slashers, those RPSers in my neighborhood...
Yeah, and I haven't really picked a cohesive position on RPS either, but then, no one ever accused me of being decisive. But as far as it goes, I know Helen and Laura are good writers, so that's something. I like them, that's something. I think they absolutely have a right to do what they're doing, that's something else. And Justin's a dreamboat. ;-) which doesn't mean I'm -- *sigh*. I'd be creeped out by fic about David Duchovny. I'd get a little righteous and squirmy. And if anyone tried to put pen to paper about Brad Whitford, I'd knock some skulls. In a righteous squirmy way.
But I think when the war comes and the apocalypse comes, I'm still standing over here saying, yeah, dude, we're doing it, tradin' tapes and writin' fic and stealin' stuff all over, and it's the age of communication, find another way. Because we won this round. We did.
except Well, I didn't promise to know everything. But it's worth thinking about. Not all RPS sucks. Not all slash is NC-17. Not all slash sucks. So I guess I just want to keep writing my slash and posting my slash, right up next door to your clean innocent fanfic, the stuff the Powers That Be would surely condone if they could only look past the slash, the RPS, the sucky stuff, right? yeah. So I guess I'll just keep writing, then.
scratching my head. I guess that's it. I guess it's just -- we're all doing the same thing. And I like us that way. Even the people that do suck. because they're brave enough to be here too, in this brave new world.
In other news, jobs, maybe. the Mets won. the Yankees lost, but that's because I wasn't there. George is in Ecuador. Punk is coming. Jo will call me, and knows I miss her, and misses me. Robbie and Liz and Mel are still in LA, and I wonder who's gonna be mayor?
I'm having a Star Trek renaissance, and when we were done reading Macedon's Jake Sisko series we went and read torch's P/K slash, and if I write I'll write K/Du, but it's nice to be back. (and Liz, I still miss DS9, I found it briefly on some sort of Saturday here, early in the morning. Dominion War Arc too. I'll never find it again.)
So I'm not angry, I'm just stupid, as Ani DiFranco would tell me. And I'm listening to DADA now, really, though we're all still listening to PJ Harvey over here in this world, in this mess we're in.