Feb 26, 2007 16:53
Hi, I broke my rib. My VERY OWN rib. I was, picture this. Shoemoney Haus just moved, right? (Or, in the words of our namesakes, "We live here now.") So I'm in the backseat of my car unloading things, and I reach OVER the passenger's seat into the front seat to lift a metal vat of beer. Which didn't lift, but did drive my ribs into the top of the seatback, cracking my...second from the top on the right hand side...rib.
I can breathe, though it hurts, and can indeed inflate my lungs to capacity, which I am doing every few minutes, as well as coughing, which also hurts, because the website told me to to that to make sure I have lung function. I also taped up the rib, which cuts the pain in HALF lemme tell you, unless I put weight on that side or try to lift up or back with either arm.
Now I'm convalescing, and my girls (though off to see Anderson atm) are taking good care of me. Send porn! Or, Recovery, dammit! Only Tennant angsting nakedly with a beard can lift my gloom!
i can cry on cue