hey remember that time when I found a human tooth down on Delancey?

Jan 06, 2007 14:37

Most of the fic I produced this year came out of burning my Yuletide at both ends. Which shows to go ya that even in the driest of years, Yuletide season and Remix season will get fic outta me. (And yes, Vic, I'm counting the days...)

That said; here's 2006's flyleaf copyright page, aka, what Sab wrote in ought-six.

First, for last year's yuletide, technically written in December of ought-five, I give you (or, more specifically zarahemla): [La Remuda], a short story about sixteen horses starring John Grady Cole and Lacey Rawlins of Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses. G rated and safe for the fam.

Next came 3_ships, a ficathon for which I defaulted this year (sorry, Zvi!). But last year I cranked out two whole threesomes, or, really, somewhere between six and seven people all having sex at once. To wit, there's the BSG Kara/Lee/Helo, [Polemics of the Colonial Flight-Training Program], and then there's also the SGA OT3 starring John/Ronon/Rodney, or, [Pull Back to Reveal]. Both manufactured on machinery that also processes porn, both include fluids and body parts, read at yer own peril.

2006 was also the year I fell in love with NCIS, and the year I fell in love with UK telly, and the year I fell in love with David Tennant. The love affair with UK telly gets to be a post of its own, and there ain't nobody still out there who needs to hear again of my love affair with Ten, but NCIS is to thank for most of the non-ficathon fic I cranked out in '06. I also found the libidinous pleasure that is the 100 word drabble, and, thanks to projectjulie, I married my fortunes together.

First came [Dust Storms], five drabbles about Abby and dust, x100 words apiece.

Then, for apocalyptothon I destroyed America and killed everybody in NCIS and the country in [Fair Winds and Following Seas], where I got to dust off my favorite theories of mutually assured destruction as rear their ugly heads every time I get to write an epic apocalypse.

And to counter the pain I let everyone have sex with everyone else, in 26 hundred-word drabbles telling the story of Jenny and Jethro, Jenny and Ziva, and Tony and Gibbs, from Sarajevo to Georgetown and back. Or, [Written by the Victors], an NCIS fic in 26 parts.

In comment drabble news, I made [Five Reasons Why Gibbs has Three Ex-Wives], and maybe some others, lost to the internets till someone finds 'em again.

After that, I fell into a vat of England, treaded water, had an affair with this year's love, and didn't emerge for fic again really until ficathon season came around again.

I hosted the sitcomathon this year and, okay, I kinda phoned in my entry but that was mostly because I was still so in love with Ten that I couldn't see my computer despite my face. Or, something. Either way, I give you the mild-to-moderately funny [The Secret of Management], starring Gob Bluth and Jimmy James, and the famed and mysterious Aztec Tomb.

Along with my Tennant!love, I made my very first and probably last fanvid, marrying my love for Regina Spektor with my love for Casanova, to wit: [It's Contagious] (YouTube link), a Casanova/Henriette vid set to Spektor's "Us." This is in a perpetual state of editing, and will probably spawn a revised version in the next month or so, because SRSLY, "Us"/Casanova is my 2006 OTP and nothing else comes CLOSE.

I wrote [Tennant a swooning letter], wrote RTD one too, syndicated a vox blog and told the world [how I learned to stop worrying and love the Beeb], and removed [anglophilia] from my list of disinterests. Look out, mother Europe! I'm new, and I wanna say I'm just a little stuck on you! You'll be on me too!

As the months rolled on, I watched more and more British TV, fell more and more in love with a skinny Scottish streak o' piss, and wrote nothing but comment drabbles as the sun began to set on '06.

For Doctor Who I invented [Five Times the Doctor was (Adorably) Oblivious to Rose's Sexual Advances] and [Five Books the Doctor Started, Never Finished, and Now Wishes He Had].

For Green Wing I cranked out [Five Things Guy Secretan Doesn't Like About Himself] and [Five Things Mac Never Told Sue White], and in various fandoms, I made a whole mess of other five thingses for varying values of "good" and "funny," read at yer own risk.

Later, in September, runpunkrun and I unveiled our buggy cracky SGA fic to great applause and acclaim (in our heads); to wit, to woo: [The Mind/Body Problem], aka, the fic where Elizabeth steals Rodney's brain mojo and Rodney is sad about it.

Even later, in even later September, I told the world why [I'm totally gung-ho about the plebians discovering participatory fandom], and reiterated my political position that sounds a little like, "Slashies, Furries, and Pirates 4-EVER!!!ELEVEN!WHOAPOLARBEAR!BBQ&c" and will someday be my platform when I run for President of the Internets. (Vote Sab in '08!)

Love & Rockets, a woefully underrepresented fandom of two (hi, mandysbitch!), inspired me twice this year; I wrote [Piscina], some comment porn, this summer, and then for a yuletide pinch hit wrote [Cross Country], thanks to the everwonderful glossing for providing the prompt.

My yuletide assignment proper was a really, really marvelous challenge, and I kind of love the story that I wrote, though the end wraps up a little too quickly and some of the tasteful fadeouts are too abrupt; I may expand it into a proper piece of porn some day. Right now it can hold its head up as a sort of a Prydainian fable; I give you [The Knowledge, the Truth and the Love], starring Gwydion and Achren and a very young Eilonwy, about ten or fifteen years pre-Book of Three.

And now, as we crest into ought-seven and commute from Cardiff to Toronto, my big love is for Slings & Arrows, and my first self-inflicted projct for the year includes the Around the Clock challenge over at femslash100. I'm ambitiously embarking on the greatest epic OT3 ever told (Geoffrey/Ellen/Oliver spanning fifteen years and three times as many productions), to be interrupted periodically by 50 AU drabbles wherein everyone, everyone at New Burbage gets to have sex with everyone, everyone else. In other words, Frank/Cyril, Anna/Maria, Darren/Richard Smith-Jones/Nigel, FTW! You know you love me.

So far all I've done is given mazily some Geoffrey/Darren dueling; see also [O Lamentable Day!], yet another entry into Yule'06.

And then I put a cherry on top of the year with possibly my favorite mouthful of surreal pseudoporn, or [I really can't stay], which is Torchwood fic of the Jack/Hand/Ten variety (incl spoilers for The Runaway Bride) and which will almost certainly be duplicated in the coming year. Hand!porn, quite literally, people! HANDPORN.

And that, mes amis, is 2006, My Writing Year. Thanks Tony and Gibbs, Abby and Ziva, Meredith "Rodney" McKay, Ten and Rose, Russell T. Davies and everyone within English distance, everyone and everything gay, Michelle Gomez, Anne Dudek, the country of Wales, John Barrowman and his husband, David Tennant, Geoffrey Tennant, Neil Tennant, and the cast and crew of the New Burbage Festival. Apres-moi, le deluge! After me, in the words of Regina Spektor, the soundtrack to my '06, comes the flood!

casanova, green wing, listing, ficathon, caf-pow, 2006 tv, yuletide, fic by sab, sitcomathon, this year's love
